Eyes Quotes
Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.
James Joyce
There are so many people who just want a flashy object in front of their eyes and don't want to think at all; I find that disturbing.
Andy Kindler
I choose my actors well and get to know the quirks of their personalities - and, most of all, I share humor with them. Then I keep my eyes open when they rehearse and perform, because you never know where the next stimulation comes from.
George Cukor
Men as a whole judge more with their eyes than with their hands.
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
Add there was that moment when my mother and father walked in the door disguised as old people. I thought the miles in the car had bent them, dulled their eyes, even grayed and whitened their hair and caused their hands and voices to tremble. At the same time, I found, as I rose form the chair, I'd gotten old along with them.
Louise Erdrich
Ah, you look so good to me With my eyes open wide, I can see Ah, you feel so good to me And it's so good when you're here cause I'm free.
Billy Joel
Material possessions, winning scores, and great reputations are meaningless in the eyes of the Lord, because He knows what we really are and that is all that matters.
John Wooden
Myspace hurts my eyes.
Jimmy Wales
Satvajaya can decondition the mind so we can see things fresh, like with the eyes of a child. Satvajaya techniques rid us of negative emotions, thought patterns, and prejudices that may weigh us down like undigested food.
David Frawley
I roll my eyes at the grandstanding blowhards who have 'fixed' themselves, but I keep up with the gizmos and apps that track people's various rhythms. I'm no lifelogger or body-hacker, but I'm curious, and I want to be in-tune enough to know what's really the matter so I can level up and be at my most awesome.
Mary H.K. Choi
The beauty industry is just like the fashion industry - prejudice is ingrained. But with new people coming in with fresh eyes and passion, I definitely am seeing progress.
Barbie Ferreira
That's always a cool thing to be the voice of what the eyes are seeing. It gives you the role of the Greek chorus and that's always fun to do.
Jorge Garcia