Laughter Quotes
There is nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.
James Boswell
I remember one day, when things were going frightfully well, I went to buy myself a really smashing car. I asked them to show me a Porsche with an automatic gearbox, and the salesman called over all the other salesmen, and they stood around absolutely roaring with laughter.
Mary Quant
Laughter is really a gift. It's the most vulnerable state you can be in.
David Dobkin
All lives have triumphs and tragedies, laughter and tears, and mine has been no different. What really matters is whether, after all of that, you remain strong and a comfort to your loved ones. I have tried to meet that test.
Pat Nixon
Laughter is the mind's intonation. There are ways of laughing which have the sound of counterfeit coins.
Edmond de Goncourt
When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter, And when he cried the little children died in the streets.
W. H. Auden
Poets have imagined no utterance of fiends or hobgoblins so fearfully appropriate as a laugh. And even the obtuse lime-burner felt his nerves shaken, as this strange man looked inward at his own heart, and burst into laughter that rolled away into the night, and was indistinctly reverberated among the hills.
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Suffering is an oxymoron. There is unfathomable peace and satisfaction in suffering for Christ. It is as though you have searched endlessly for your purpose in life and now found it in the most unexpected place: In the death of your flesh. It is certainly a moment worth of laughter and dance. And in the end it is not suffering at all. The apostle Paul recommended that we find joy in it. Was he mad?
Ted Dekker
'I think the Moon is a world like this one, and the Earth is its moon.' My friends greeted this with a burst of laughter. 'And maybe,' I told them, 'someone on the Moon is even now making fun of someone else who says that our globe is a world.'
Cyrano de Bergerac
The widow of Michael Reardon was a full‐breasted woman in her late thirties. She had dark hair and green eyes, and an Irish nose spattered with a clichéful of freckles. She had a face for merry‐go‐rounds and roller coaster rides, a face that could split in laughter and girlish glee when water was splashed on her at the seashore. She was a girl who could get drunk sniffing the vermouth cork before it was passed over a martini. She was a girl who went to church on Sundays, a girl who’d belonged to the Newman Club when she was younger, a girl who was a virgin two days after Mike.
Ed McBain
I have the gift of laughter. I can make people laugh at will. In good times and in bad. And that I don't question. It was a gift from God.
Buddy Hackett
Man alone suffers so excruciatingly in the world that he was compelled to invent laughter.
Friedrich Nietzsche