Complex Quotes
The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.
Simple pleasures are always the last refuge of the complex.
Human beings are very complex creatures. This desire, this greed, this love is very complex.
Life is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple, and the simple thing is the right thing.
The sexual wishes in regard to the mother become more intense and the father is perceived as an obstacle to the; this gives rise to the Oedipus complex.
Complex things, if you don't understand them, it seems complicated. If you understand them, and we know how to handle it, it became simple.
Solutions are complex, and I continue to worry that Trump didn't fully appreciate the complexity of what's going on. Consequently, I worry about whether he's going to make the problems a whole lot better... But I am a Republican, and we really should give the guy a chance to govern and hope he's successful.
I love to start characters in a place where you think you know them. We can make all kinds of assumptions about them and think they have no redeeming qualities, but like everyone, they're complex.
Hip-hop isn't as complex as a woman is.
It's easier to make negative attacks and simplistic slogans in social media than it is to communicate complex policies.
The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life; it’s so easy to make it complex.
As biologists, we contemplate with admiration and awe the wondrous array of sophisticated cell interactions and recognitions evolved in the T cell immune system, which must be a model for other similarly complex biological systems of highly differentiated organisms.
Man has made many machines, complex and cunning, but which of them indeed rivals the workings of his heart?
I totally respond to complex characters, and I'm not interested in anything too simple.
The pancreas is by far the most complex organ in the body.
Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.
It was a complex endeavor so without Robert Redford's constant support we wouldn't have gotten to the end.
When the number of factors coming into play in a phenomenological complex is too large scientific method in most cases fails. One need only think of the weather, in which case the prediction even for a few days ahead is impossible.
I've been criticised for writing in too complex a manner for younger people.
There are many unidentified bands in the spectra of stars. Wide bands are produced by some complex molecules in the interstellar space.
I don't have a complex mind.
A self that is very robust, that has many, many levels of organization, from simple to complex, and that functions as a sort of witness to what is going on in our organisms.
Woman are complex creatures.
Ownership is a very complex judicial concept.