Pop Music Quotes
If you respond to pop music as an older person, then it's your game. But this business has a tremendously visual focus.
Pop music will never be low brow.
There's the paradox of making pop music when you're in your 50s. People weren't meant to be doing that originally and yet they are. Mick Jagger [used to say] we're not going to be doing Satisfaction when I'm in a wheelchair.
I have such an eclectic taste. I like listening to classical music and pop music.
I do listen to Abba. And a lot of '80s and '90s pop music.
I really like Howler and an American band on Sub Pop called Jaill. There will always be new bands that I like, it's always been that way. I still go out to shows. One thing I don't like now is this idea that all singing needs to be expressed at maximum volume with so much bullshit sentimentality - it's pervading regular pop music.
I would categorize Die Antwoord as pop music: extreme, futuristic pop music.
Now chart music is a genre all of its own and it's slipped away from what I understand pop music as. It's pretty difficult to take; it clogs up the airwaves.
A lot of people still don't realize that, before Rascal Flatts, I was in a Christian band for four or five years, and I had the opportunity to work with some of the greatest pop musicians and producers in L.A. I learned a lot from Peter Wolf; he was one of my heroes growing up in the '80s. He was a producer of a lot legendary pop music.
I'd call what I do pop music, but it's folky and electronic and it doesn't really sound like much else.
Die Antwoord is super pop. It's a pop music.
We were derided as a boy band, with pop music and not really country.
There is a lot of snobbery towards pop music, to me and pop in general - it's kind of a despised art form.
I listen to classical music at home probably more than pop music.
I don't like pop music.
I'm not the best at choosing what's good and what's bad. I wouldn't even know what's a good pop song and what's a bad one. With that said, I wanted to say what's true to me. Some people might say that the Skrillex record was pop, but that was just about the chemistry between me and my boy.
Sometimes with pop music, you have to see it to love it. With soul music, it's sparse. There's nothing that's pretentious or planned. It's just so gutsy.
People always want to talk about who I was, but I've always been singing, always been experimenting with pop music.
There's good stuff going on in modern pop music, but a lot of it is really materialistic and only about money.
Banjos are used in Celtic, English folk music and obviously American music. But not that much in pop music. But it's more versatile than people realise it to be. It's a beautiful instrument, very rhythmic and melodic. You can do anything with it.
What I like about pop music, and why I'm still attracted to it, is that in the end it becomes our folk music.
Pop music means everything to me. I've been listening to pop since I was kid, running home from school to watch Britney Spears and Spice Girls and Christina Aguilera music videos, and it felt like it was a world to escape to for me personally.
The lines have definitely blurred between country and pop music.
As hard as it is, as ghetto as it is, hip-hop is pop music. It's the sound of music getting out of the ghetto, while rock is looking for a ghetto.