Activities Quotes
We are products of the past and we live immersed in the past, which encompasses us. How can we move towards the new life, how create new activities without getting out of the past and without placing ourselves above it? And how can we place ourselves above the past if we are in it and it is in us? There is no other way out except through thought, which does not break off relations with the past but rises ideally above it and converts it into knowledge.
A shaman’s activities as a sorcerer, or his own conscious act of entry into the supernatural world, were a kind of “killing”.
The only praise I would like and treasure is the promotion of the activities to which my life is dedicated.
Science emerges from the other progressive activities of man to the extent that new concepts arise from experiments and observations, and that the new concepts in turn lead to further experiments and observations.
I am pretty geeky, yes. I like odd sub-culture activities, I am often socially inept, I wore glasses in high school. But I am a modern geek.
It is by his activities and not by enjoyment that man feels he is alive. In idleness we not only feel that life is fleeting, but we also feel lifeless.
I am convinced that some political and social activities and practices of the Catholic organizations are detrimental and even dangerous for the community as a whole, here and everywhere. I mention here only the fight against birth control at a time when overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organize peace on this planet.
I attended public school in Houston. I took piano lessons for several years, and in high school, I played trombone in the marching band. I remember especially enjoying two seasonal activities: ice skating with the Houston Figure Skating Club in the winter and visiting an aunt and uncle's farm in West Texas in the summer.
I believe that the ultimate object of all activities in a republic should be the development of the manhood of its citizens.
When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done...
The notion of education through handicrafts rises from the contemplation of truth and love permeating life's activities.
I invite member states which are in a position to do so to make the necessary funding available as soon as possible in order to ensure smooth continuation of our activities.
Many deeds are done so as to forget another deed: there are also opiate activities. I exist so that another will be forgotten.
You can't manage time, you actually only manage what you do during time. So the management issue is not so much about time, it's more about how do you manage your focus, how do you manage your actions and your activities in terms of what you do.
I've been director of the center since 1983, and our clients will continue to participate in activities to help them get out of their homes and back into the community. It is important the individuals have contact with others with the same problems and can learn to coordinate activities.
Apart from the emergency aid we provide to alleviate the sufferings of victims of natural disasters, calamities and crises, we worked for transforming U.A.E.'s charity activities into an institutional activity with an aim of making them more effective and sustainable.
Nature is good at connectivity. The impact of diverse human activities is observed and absorbed throughout nature. Everything is linked. Nature has no problem with coherence. Ecosystems react with their own logic.
U.A.E.'s continuously growing initiatives in the field of charitable and humanitarian works became a basic component of our foreign activities.
My work in general involves getting over my fears that are deeply embedded since childhood: Fear of darkness, fear of dangerous activities in general, and fear of dirt - I had a considerable obsessive compulsive disorder as a child.
Do not lose yourself in your everyday work and activities. Rather, lose yourself in God. When you are doing work, let your innermost heart be centered on Him. Live in His presence and abide in Him. Then your work will follow you into eternity, and you will reap a rich harvest.
In all my activities as Armament Minister I never once visited a labor camp, and cannot, therefore, give any information about them.
The President has apologized for his activities with Monica Lewinsky. These were too little, too late, in my opinion.
To feel more fulfilled your actions and activities need to be in alignment with what you deem important.
On the occasions when I have pondered over men's various activities, the dangers and worries they are exposed to at Court or at war, from which so many quarrels, passions, risky, often ill-conceived actions and so on are born, I have often said that man's unhappiness springs from one thing alone, his incapacity to stay quietly in one room.