Arrive Quotes
However, it is always nice to be expected, and not to arrive.
Stop leaving and you will arrive, Stop searching and you will see, Stop running away and you will be found.
Events do not just happen, but arrive by appointment.
Stars arrive on their own timetable.
That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal.
I love to travel, but I hate to arrive.
To arrive at perfection, a man should have very sincere friends or inveterate enemies; because he would be made sensible of his good or ill conduct, either by the censures of the one or the admonitions of the other.
Through algebra you easily arrive at equations, but always to pass therefrom to the elegant constructions and demonstrations which usually result by means of the method of porisms is not so easy, nor is one's ingenuity and power of invention so greatly exercised and refined in this analysis.
I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them.
If you don't give inspiration an opportunity, it will never arrive.
It will take at least one week for the Justice Department to arrive at a final conclusion on this matter. Therefore, the committee does not anticipate taking any actions with respect to Mrs. Rich for at least one week.
I don't know what anyone was thinking about when they decided to do this. I thought we were trying to spread the talent so the four best teams could arrive at the one spot.
It sometimes happened that you might be familiar with a man for several years thinking he was a wild animal, and you would regard him with contempt. And then suddenly a moment would arrive when some uncontrollable impulse would lay his soul bare, and you would behold in it such riches, such sensitivity and warmth, such a vivid awareness of its own suffering and the suffering of others, that the scales would fall from your eyes and at first you would hardly be able to believe what you had seen and heard. The reverse also happens.
The saving grace of the cinema is that with patience, and a little love, we may arrive at that wonderfully complex creature which is called man.
The natives of British Columbia live largely upon the fish which abound in their seas and rivers. If the fish do not come in due season, and the Indians are hungry, A Nootka wizard will make an image of a swimming fish and put it into the water in the direction from which the fish generally appear. This ceremony, accompanied by a prayer to the fish to come, will cause them to arrive at once.
Every house guest brings you happiness. Some when they arrive, and some when they are leaving.
Your life today is the result of a series of decisions you made that have caused you to arrive where you are.
Illness is a clumsy attempt to arrive at health: we must come to nature's aid with intellect.
...Some things...arrive in their own mysterious hour, on their own terms and not yours, to be seized or relinquished forever.
Hasten slowly, you will soon arrive.
To arrive at abstraction, it is always necessary to begin with a concrete reality.
The roads by which men arrive at their insights into celestial matters seem to me almost as worthy of wonder as those matters in themselves.
Our drives are reducible to the will to power. The will to power is the ultimate fact at which we arrive.
If ... it is not in my power to arrive at the knowledge of any truth, I may at least do what is in my power, namely, suspend judgement.