Art Quotes
Art is maybe a subversive activity. There is a certain rebellion when you are an artist at heart, even if only in the art of living.
I never really took a proper art class in college. I just started reading art magazines and going to galleries. I was really drawn to it.
Thou art a retailer of phrases, and dost deal in remnants of remnants.
There are some people who want me and my husband to stay where it is safe and draw a paycheck every week instead of what we are doing (which is creating and sharing our art with others). The truth is that there are people in this world - Dave and I being two - who would die a slow painful death if stuck in an office and made to do the kind of work that we are not made to do.
The course of Nature is the art of God.
The relationship of art and play: to play is art - consequently I play. I play enraged.
When hospitality becomes an art it loses its very soul.
Art is something special because it can come up with a way of approaching the truth that is a little to the side.
We'd visit an art museum in Houston, or a spectacular shoreline vista in Oregon, or attend a political lecture in Boston. And so I found myself getting a special kind of education just witnessing Bill's grasp of what makes our society tick and how business gets done.
As for Sisley, I just can't enjoy his work visiting the Paris Impressionism-exhibition of art-dealer M. Petit, May 1887, it is commonplace, forced, disordered; Sisley has a good eye, and his work will certainly charm all those whose artistic sense is not very refined.
When men die, they enter history. When statues die, they enter art. This botany of death is what we call culture.
One thing that I always liked about fashion was that it was tied in with music and art and film.
I'm really excited to share cabaret, the art form, not just with the generations that are above me, but also my generation and the generation under me. I think it's an art form that's incredibly important, and I think that my generation is a little unfamiliar with it.
I got alright GCSEs, but I was lost. I didn't know what to do, whether to continue with education, go to uni, go to art school - then again, I was like, 'Maybe I should just go and get a job, start early and make money.'
I think that one's art is a growth inside one. I do not think one can explain growth. It is silent and subtle. One does not keep digging up a plant to see how it grows.
I came out to Hollywood when I was just 18, and my dad, he was really into Hollywood and theater and art, and I guess growing up, he exposed me to a lot of culture, and I just started making Super-8 films in high school and decided I wanted to be a filmmaker.
France has lived a long time - eight or nine centuries - and yet art in France, too, was derivative up until the 19th Century.
The art of using deceit and cunning grow continually weaker and less effective to the user.
We take from the art of the past what we need. The variable posthumous reputations of even the greatest artists and the unpredictable revivals of interest in even the most obscure ones tend to reveal more about those who make revisionist assessments than about those who are being reassessed.
Games aren't going to go away. BAFTA's got a category for games as an art form. The Academy should think about that, too.
I listen to anything anyone gives me. I always go back to a few basic favorites. I can always listen to Django Reinhardt and hear something I haven't heard before. I like to listen to Art Tatum and Coltrane and Charlie Parker. Those are guys who never seem to run out of ideas.
The music that I first fell in love with was American music, really. Nothing against British acts - I love them and will forever - but on the whole, it was the art of American storytelling in the kind of folk and blues lyrics that, if you scratch a little bit, there's a heartbreaking story there.
Acting is not a lofty performance; it is simply the source of becoming and existing transparently. Acting, I find, is the art of frothing to the surface every raw and honest emotion. The moment an actor pretends, he loses his audience forever
The past is a work of art, free of irrelevancies and loose ends.