Medication Quotes
Depression is something that doesn't just go away. It's just... there and you deal with it. It's like... malaria or something. Maybe it won't be cured, but you've got to take the medication you're prescribed, and you stay out of situations that are going to trigger it.
There are two things panic patients hate to do. They hate to take medication - and they hate to go to doctors. They hate to come to grips.
Doctors should have access to all scientifically sound information so that they can prescribe appropriate medication for their patients.
Is it time for your medication or mine?
There seems little reason to prescribe anti-depressant medication to any but the most severely depressed patients.
I don't have a thyroid anymore. I had radioactive iodine treatment, which destroyed my thyroid. I take medication every day.
Gail Devers -
You know, Joey, the medication has helped settle you down, but you have been a good kid all along. You are naturally good. I hope you know that about yourself. You have a good heart.
The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ~
While receiving radiation treatment for a thyroid illness, I had refused to take beta-blockers - a medication that would have eased its side effects - because they were deemed illegal by the sport's governing body, the International Association of Athletics Federations.
Gail Devers -
But the main thing is that medication, too, is not all the help.
The medication, the hormones and the relentless frustrations of our lives make us bitchy and you're not allowed to be bitchy in public or people won't like you.
I recently have had a full hip replacement and a liver transplant, and I'm getting used to the medication.
While you're in the moment of anything that's confusing in your life, you're in the moment, and you have to figure it out. You can go up or down. And I just kept working on the higher road, and trying. I got very involved with medication.
The subset of our population that has not benefited from the advancement of medication is black and brown people.
I've been pretty sick for quite a while. Between the hideous diet, the radiation and the effects of being off my medication, I've been in a bad way.
Сertainly there are people for whom anti-depression medication has allowed them to use difficulty to wake up, and I don't deny that at all, but as usual with us human beings, we've overdone it. We are self-medicating ourselves away from the great awakening moments, and losing our coping skills and losing wake-up calls.
Medication is of course important but do not conclude that a pill dissolving in your stomach is necessarily more powerful than a healing thought in your mind.
We might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain
It was bothering me a lot, and I became addicted to pain medication, which is like what dragged me down. When we first started talking about this thing, I was like pretty much out of it, but I wanted to do it. So I needed to get myself overhauled, cleaned up and everything else to do this, because I wanted to do it, you know?
I didn't know I was depressed until years later. Actually, I went to the Minirth-Meier Clinic for ADD. I got tested for ADD. So, that's nice. It's nice to know you got ADD. So, that puts you on medication. Did that for years. Then got tested for clinical depression. So, finally when they tell you this, you go, 'ahhh, this is great.' So, now this explains events in your life and how you handle them. But our society frowns on it and they don't want their heroes to have these issues, but unfortunately I do.
For years I've had neurological problems. I used to shake a lot and I was on medication - I paid about $700,000 for one year of pills. I was taking 40-odd different ones a day.
Mail enables businesses to deliver vital services and products, including medication, and allows these same businesses to receive payments in a timely way.
I am not suicidal. Occasionally, like all of us, I get depressed and it was over a year ago and I had a little mini attack, well a big one ... I don't know quite why it happened but I find medication is not the answer to this.
Psychiatrists always say, Oh, we're very professional. I use exercise as my medication.