Novels Quotes
So many Indian novels, quite unfairly, do not get the prominence they should because they have been written in a language other than English.
You know that thing people say, 'poetry is the hardest, stories are the second hardest, novels are the easiest?' I'm here to tell you that novels are the hardest. Writing a novel is unbelievably difficult. It's nightmarish.
As an undergraduate at Amherst College, I was devoted to Dickensian novels and antiestablishment journalism while marginally fulfilling premedical requirements.
I write novels and other things.
Novels are longer than life.
I love writing journalism because it's all over in two hours and comes straight off the top of the head. Writing novels is soooooo much harder. It's the hardest thing I've ever done.
I really love to make sweeping historical gestures that are like little illustrations of novels.
I feel that I am a scholar who only with the left hand writes novels.
Wherever I am, I take books, not novels.
I love cartoons, I love comic books and graphic novels. 'Batman: The Animated Series' was a huge influence on me when I was younger.
To be honest, I wasn't a sci-fi geek at all. But I do love a good sci-fi film, especially one that can really take you away. And I read some reality-bending novels growing up, like stuff by Vonngeut, so I already had one part my brain open to the unnatural and unusual, and it's generally fun to venture into that world and film in it.
I've told youngsters not to write their autobiographical novel at the age of twenty-one; to save it for the time when they're fifty-one or sixty-one. They should write other novels first, to learn their craft; they shouldn't cut their teeth on the valuable material of childhood because they'll never have better material, ever, to work with.
When Michael Frere came to see Elizabeth about her autobiography All the Dogs of My Life she found him ‘such a boring little man. But it is because we are all growing old, and the bones of our inadequate minds come through the flesh that hid them.’ She hadn’t always found him boring, and Love, one of her best novels, is largely based on their romance.
I've been a novelist since 1995 and have had novels in and out of option, and watching that process just made me realize that I have to live by what I teach my students, because I teach screenwriting at Spellman.
I specialize in small cast/single reader long fiction so I only compete against other podcasts of novels in that form.
It is very difficult to talk about plagiarism in terms of themes between novels. Otherwise there wouldn't be that many novels written because everyone feeds off everybody else.
I didn't get anything published until I was thirty-three, and yet I'd written five novels and six or seven plays. The plays, I should point out, were dreadful.
I also read modern novels - I have just had to read 60 as I am one of the judges for the Orange Fiction Prize.
I love mystery novels... I love seeing the dramas played out in academic departments, particularly English departments. I started reading these when I was going up for tenure.
I have written every one of my novels to convince somebody of something.
Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed.
That's why I love crime novels so much: When I write a crime novel, the conflict is built in.
I continued writing the bad plays which fortunately nobody would produce, just as no one did me the unkindness of publishing my early novels.
I think of my books now as suspense novels, usually with a love story incorporated. They're absolutely a lot harder to write than romances. They take more plotting and real character development.