Fundamental Quotes
Labels such as, 'evangelical', 'fundamental', 'charismatic', 'liberal' contribute to polarization and produce a climate of implied or outspoken distrust. Respectful dialogue becomes virtually impossible. What we desperately need to offset this disunity and distrust is a new and cleansing theology of communication.
I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.
I urge calm and sensitivity to the fundamental civil liberties of our country.
I am really glad I was raised Catholic. I like the fundamental aspects of that religion. I think they give you great grounding in terms of having a moral code. But I do not subscribe to any religion specifically now.
Religious people claim that it's just the fundamentalists of each religion that cause problems. But there's got to be something wrong with the religion itself if those who strictly adhere to its most fundamental principles are violent bigots and sexists.
Spare me the mantra that the “fundamentals” are sound. Credit is the ultimate fundamental.
I think the fundamental part of my technique is my vibrato.
The fundamental issue is one of emphasis: you are not a photographer because you are interested in photography...The reason is that photography is only a tool, a vehicle, for expressing or transmitting a passion in something else. It is not the end result.
I believe that I have really found the relationship between gravitation and electricity, assuming that the Miller experiments are based on a fundamental error. Otherwise, the whole relativity theory collapses like a house of cards.
Regarding the fundamental investigations of mathematics, there is no final ending ... no first beginning.
A genuinely fundamental and hopeful improvement in "systems" cannot happen without a significant shift in human consciousness.
We owe it to the American people to take our time to be sure the nominee will uphold their most basic and fundamental rights. The public demands this from the process, and deserve no less.
The recognition of the law of the cause and effect, also known as karma, is a fundamental key to understand how you've created your world, with actions of your body, speech and mind. When you truly understand karma, then you realize you are responsible for everything in your life. It is incredibly empowering to know that your future is in your hands.
I believe that everyone has the fundamental right to head to city hall with the person they love and get married. Period.
The fundamental grey which differentiates the masters, expresses them and is the soul of all colour.
If one asks the whence derives the authority of fundamental ends, since they cannot be stated and justified merely by reason, one can only answer: they exist in a healthy society as powerful traditions, which act upon the conduct and aspirations and judgments of the individuals; they are there, that is, as something living, without its being necessary to find justification for their existence.
We must not lose sight of the fundamental issue of policy which is that people who come to the country on visa status must never be abused.
A fundamental rule in technology says that whatever can be done will be done.
The most fundamental seems fickle.
The most fundamental form of human stupidity is forgetting what we were trying to do in the first place.
Intolerance of groups is often, strangely enough, exhibited more strongly against small differences than against fundamental ones.
That is the basic pattern of this kind of meditation, which is based on three fundamental factors: first, not centralizing inward; second, not having any longing to become higher; and third, becoming completely identified with here and now.
I believe that human overpopulation is the fundamental problem on Earth Today" and, "We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox
We can distinguish three groups of scientific men. In the first and very small group we have the men who discover fundamental relations. Among these are van't Hoff, Arrhenius and Nernst. In the second group we have the men who do not make the great discovery but who see the importance and bearing of it, and who preach the gospel to the heathen. Ostwald stands absolutely at the head of this group. The last group contains the rest of us, the men who have to have things explained to us.