Adorable Quotes
Its easy to have kids, people try to scare you into thinking "oh its hard to have kids" Its not. I have two, and I have no idea where they are right now. Kids are adorable, someone will always take care of them.
I have a pit bull. He's a rescue. He's adorable.
Thin people are beautiful, but fat people are adorable.
She looked creepy/adorable.
You sell yourself. The part that I sell is the creature. The adorable part.
That's actually pretty tame, but the fact that it was coming from this unexpected adorable little 17-year-old, I thought I'd be getting a letter about her first rock show, but it's nothing like that - she gives me a tampon. It's a true testament to how the majority of our fan base - and I say this in the most respectful and best way I can - they're little freaks.
In entertainment, I adore Ricky Gervais in 'Derek.' His performance is unbelievably charming, funny and poignant. In life, I adore my girlfriend. She is the most adorable person I have ever met - from her silly jokes to her cute teeth to her little drawings.
My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind; So flew'd, so sanded; their heads are hung with ears that sweep away the morning dew.
People think that I'm tough and strong and that I kicked my way through everything. But they are wrong. The truth is that when I was young I was adorable and a trembling wreck.
French people are charming, adorable but not extremely generous with foreigners, but they believe in what they do. I feel proud in exchange because what I did in restoration is something I did for La France.
The most magical moments for me come from the little ones in elementary school. They ask adorable and meaningful questions.
If you have a deep-seated need to be loved and admired every day, you shouldn't be in politics. You should go work at a pet store.
If a face like Ingrid Bergman's looks at you as though you're adorable, everybody does. You don't have to act very much.
Look, dear! How adorable. When pop music tries its very hardest, it can be almost as good as Sven Hassel.
I really want to work with Emma Stone; she is adorable.
Arcitc Harp seal pup populations are declining as they are commercially hunted for oil and fur and global warming causes the ice where pups are born to break up and melt. Now these sweet and adorable pups face yet another human threat: oil spills.
I've made forty-three pictures. Naturally I'm adorable in all of them.
My generation was not only maligned in book reviews and attacked in graduate school but we lived to see our adored and adorable daughters wonder why feminism had become a dirty word.
My father had left behind an old piano. My sister was already going to school, my mother was out working, and I stayed at home alone with my adorable grandmother who understood nothing I said. It was so boring that I stayed at the piano all day long, and that saved my life.