Belongs Quotes
It is the activity of the intellect that constitutes complete human happiness - provided it be granted a complete span of life, for nothing that belongs to happiness can be incomplete.
I love Memphis, I guess you could say, in the way that you love a brother even if he does sometimes puzzle and sadden and frustrate you. Say what you want about it, it's an authentic place. I was born and raised in Memphis, and no matter where I go, Memphis belongs to me, and I to it.
Happiness belongs to the self sufficient.
Wisdom belongs in wonder.
The world belongs to the discontented.
I can only paint in India. Europe belongs to Picasso, Matisse, Braque India belongs only to me.
I am inclined to think that the realm of mythology is where the Yeti rightly belongs.
Nothing belongs more fully to an artist than his creation - even if you give him your youth, your money, your love, your courage, nothing belongs to you.
I know that Instagram belongs to Facebook, so I cannot really stand on a political pedestal and say, "I'm against Facebook!" But I haven't wanted to be on Facebook from the beginning.
Your time here on this earth, it belongs to you.
Poetry's a thing that belongs to everyone.
If you have two shirts in your closet, one belongs to you and the other to the man with no shirt.
You need a village, if only for the pleasure of leaving it. A village means that you are not alone, knowing that in the people, the trees, the earth, there is something that belongs to you, waiting for you when you are not there.
This is like one thing that I've tried to do, and I think successfully, that when you realize that nothing really belongs to you, you begin to appreciate having an understanding of just where your head is at, and you feel so much better.
When a woman marries she belongs to another man; and when she belongs to another man there is nothing more you can say to her.
She's a great model. If she's ruining her personal life, that belongs to her. What she does in her private life is very private. I find it unbearable that maybe someone shot her (picture), stole the photos then sold them.
The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision for today.
Everything really belongs to God, and man has no right to assume that he can, at will, exploit God's bounty.
Time is communal, Marya Morevna, the most purely communal of all commodities. It belongs to us all equally.
There's a lot of trials and tribulations you have to go through to get what you want, especially if you feel like it belongs to you.
Myrnin said softly. "And how is it that you do not understand that HERE, in THIS place, this girl belongs to me, not to you?
When do we start feeling like the world belongs to us? I don't know. Tomorrow.
My heart always belongs to the one who doesn't want it.
The twentieth century belongs to Canada.