Features Quotes
I have certain physical features that I favor over others. We all have our areas.
Christina Aguilera
I was a feature one time and they gave me host money. When I called to complain the guy goes "no you didn't feature, you co-hosted". He literally invented a term so he didn't have to pay me. And obviously that check bounced!
Bill Burr
The design of the new Civic is a big departure from the previous model, and its shape and features presented us with many manufacturing challenges. When you talk about the manufacturing of a vehicle like the new Civic, we want to meet the needs of the design team, while also improving production processes in terms of quality, safety, and effectiveness of the manufacturing process.
Chris Poland
Circle Jerks
Your thief looks Exactly like the rest, or rather better; 'Tis only at the bar, and in the dungeon, That wise men know your felon by his features.
Lord Byron
You discover over time that music can be overwhelming. Unless the musicians involved understand this they can lose audiences. Spontaneity and improvisation are salient features but I also strive to make music that is peaceful. I want to make music that aids world peace in the same way that the people who shaped my development did.
Bennie Maupin
There are two generic and invariable features that characterize utopias. One is the content: the authors of utopias paint what they consider to be ideal societies; translating this into the language of mathematics, we might say that utopias bear a + sign. The other feature, organically growing out of the content, is to be found in the form: a utopia is always static; it is always descriptive and has no, of almost no, plot dynamics.
Yevgeny Zamyatin
He was a tall, burly, youngish man in plain clothes whose features some freak of heredity had assembled into a perpetual expression of muted alarm, so that to be in his company was like consorting with a man dogged by assassins.
Edmund Crispin
The world is not likely to tire of an amusement which never repeats itself, of a game which today presents features as novel and charms as fresh as those with which it delighted, in the morning of history, the dwellers on the banks of the Ganges and Indus.
Willard Fiske
Music is the subliminal connecting adhesive in film, or at least in narrative feature films.
Carter Burwell
That enables those companies to then build in some value-added features.
Dan Devine
To deal with the whole visual input at once, and make discriminations based on any combination of features in the field, would require too large a brain, or too much "previous experience" to be plausible.
Ulric Neisser
The features of our face are hardly more than gestures which force of habit has made permanent. Nature, like the destruction of Pompeii, like the metamorphosis of a nymph, has arrested us in an accustomed movement.
Marcel Proust