Believe Quotes
The core of Wikipedia is something people really believe in. That is too valuable for the world to screw it up.
I still like and admire George W. Bush. I consider him a fundamentally decent person, and I do not believe he or his White House deliberately or consciously sought to deceive the American people.
I have always made my own rules, in poetry as in life - though I have tried of late to cooperate more with my family. I do, however, believe that without order or pattern poetry is useless.
I don't believe that there is any particular book that influenced any 'career' I might have.
Our lives are complex; our emotions are complex; our intellectual desires are complex. I believe that architecture … needs to mirror that complexity in every single space that we have, in every intimacy that we possess.
I have a very difficult time believing that there is some being who is going to invite me into heaven or not on the basis of whether I wear a yarmulke or whether I have been sprinkled with water while someone said something. Some of the ritual is very beautiful, but I find it difficult to believe that it really has to do with God. I believe that dogma comes from man.
Teens aren't just interested in getting laid. I won't believe that's all they're interested in. I have four younger sisters and they're sick of being shown how they're supposed to react in bed.
On 'Overpowered,' there was a nostalgia for disco and early house music. But I'm a modernist and futurist as well. I do believe - and this is going to sound really pretentious, I know - that humanity will figure it out, so I'm optimistic about the future.
I like to believe that I got my business knowledge from my dad. He was able to see trends a long way off. And my mom is very good with people and emotional.
I am fiscally prudent and socially progressive. I believe in protecting a woman's right to choose. I believe in marriage equality.
If you have some idea you believe in, don't listen to the croaking chorus. Listen only to what your own inner voice tells you.
I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent and well-informed people I know are religious believers. It isn't just that I don't believe in God and, naturally, I hope that I'm right in my belief. It's that I hope there is no God! I don't want there to be a God; I don't want the universe to be like that.
The superstitious man wishes he did not believe in gods, as the atheist does not, but fears to disbelieve in them.
There weren’t many people in this world who would let you be vulnerable and still believe you were strong.
If you believe in astrology, I'm a Virgo, so I'm very controlling; I'm very neat, and I'm very organized.
I do not believe that I fell in love with a woman because I was abused.
I have my own foundation, which I just started, called Believe Anything Is Possible, which is going to be an organization to help the underprivileged.
As Democrats, we believe in giving every eligible citizen the opportunity to vote - whether it's early because they can't take off work on Election Day or absentee because they might have plans to be out of town.
I believe that in order to sustain a governing majority, the Democratic Party has got to learn that it can govern without raising taxes.
It's nice to create something you believe in. It's even nicer to dance to your own tunes sometimes.
I believe in lifestyle changes, and when you think of something long term, you do it better. If I know I just have to eat this way for a week, how does that help you for the long term? It doesn't.
For me, acting is play. It's just play and it's playing make believe really, really well.
I believe it was God's will that we should come back, so that men might know the things that are in the world, since, as we have said in the first chapter of this book, no other man, Christian or Saracen, Mongol or pagan, has explored so much of the world as Messer Marco, son of Messer Niccolo Polo, great and noble citizen of the city of Venice.
I'd always wanted to believe that my ancestors were better people than they probably were. - Princess Emma