Walks Quotes
When you walk with someone, something unspoken happens. Either you match their pace or they match yours.
Hope is a lover's staff; walk hence with that And manage it against despairing thoughts.
Details of the many walks I made along the crest have blurred, now, into a pleasing tapestry of grass and space and sunlight.
Many the wonders but nothing walks stranger than man.
He will kill mice and he will be kind to babies...but when the moon gets up and the night comes, he is the Cat that Walks by Himself.
Three women walk into a pub and say, `Hooray, we've colonised a male-dominated joke format'
When Anderson walks into a room, you can hear a rat pissing on cotton.
The pause is a part of the walk.
... the human body is much stronger than we think. It seems to laugh at the cobwebs of despair that the heart weaves before our eyes in order to blind us to our fate. The body walks and goes on walking.
Do not try to become anything. Do not make yourself into anything. Do not be a meditator. Do not become enlightened. When you sit, let it be. What you walk, let it be. Grasp at nothing. Resist nothing.
If you walk into somebody's office with your hair uncombed and a pick in the back, and your shoes untied, and your pants half down, tattoos up and down your arms and on your neck, and you wonder why somebody won't hire you? They don't hire you 'cause you look like you're crazy!
Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow on it.
A friend is one who joyfully sings with you when you are on the mountaintop, and silently walks beside you through the valley.
With some hard work I'm sure you'll be able to walk again.
A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Sleep not when others speak, sit not when others stand, speak not when you should hold your peace, walk not when others stop.
Walk out of any doorway feel your way, feel your way like the day before Maybe you'll find direction around some corner where it's been waiting to meet you.
To me, the big difference is when you yell cut and then you have to walk over there and deliver a note, it gives it much more import as opposed to "Hey, try that." It's just much more intimate, I think.
The day Apollo 11 landed, I knew men would walk on Mars in my lifetime. I'm no longer nearly so sure. The last budget put forward in Canada contained not a penny for Mars.
Some of our greatest historical and artistic treasures we place in museums; others, we take for walks.
Then it was like a genie out of the bottle and it began to walk all on its own and in directions I did not want.
I went for a walk in the rain. Recently, whenever it rains, I feel like I want to go for a walk.
Some say no evil thing that walks by night, In fog or fire, by lake or moorish fen, Blue meagre hag, or stubborn unlaid ghost That breaks his magic chains at curfew time, No goblin, or swart fairy of the mine, Hath hurtful power o'er true virginity.
Faith walks simply, childlike, between the darkness of human life and the hope of what is to come.