Photography Quotes
I work alone. Humans are incredible, because when you come alone, they will receive you, they accept you, they protect you, they give you all things that you need, and they teach you all things you must know. When you come with two persons or three persons, you have a group in front of them. They don't discuss with the new persons what is important to them.
Sebastiao Salgado
Of course, I won't be abandoning photography, because it is my life.
Sebastiao Salgado
There are people who expect me to look the way I do on-screen, where I have a great director of photography and fantastic lighting. I'm sorry to disappoint people, but I don't look like that all the time - no actress does.
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Photography today is so accurate and so good that it's really so much easier just to take photographs and work from them.
Paul Eluard
Photography, like alcohol, should only be allowed to those who can do without it.
Walter Sickert
Making these photographs has often seemed to me like a kind of dance. Often I have danced badly and the world has fallen apart at my feet. But sometimes the dance has gone well and my subject and I have moved together as if with shared purpose.
Keith Carter
Photography has always been important to me for that, being able to make sense of something or understand something or remember something or laugh at something.
Nick Zinner
Photography is nature seen from the eyes outward, painting from the eyes inward. Photography records inalterably the single image, while painting records a plurality of images willfully directed by the artist.
Charles Sheeler
Because I know war... because I know the horror, I don't want to add to it. .........After the war, we felt the need to celebrate life, and for me photography was the means to achieve this.
Edouard Boubat
There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.
Ernst Haas
Photography is a tool for dealing with things everybody knows about but isn’t attending to. My photographs are intended to represent something you don’t see.
Emmet Gowin
Photography is inextricably linked with life; the photographer is not invisibly behind the camera but projecting a life-attitude through the lens to create an interference pattern with the image. Who he is, what he believes, not only becomes important to know intellectually, but also becomes revealed emotionally and visibly through a body of work.
Bill Jay
One of the elements of photography is, just by nature, journalistic. It's some kind of documentation. The most successful pictures to me are with an interesting looking girl. They're not being provocative. They're just presenting their drugs to you, showing you what they take. There's a good-looking girl, but here's this thing about her that's not so cool. It makes you feel a little uneasy.
Richard Kern
I joke around sometimes and say that the DP [director of photography] is like a shrink for the director, but there's some truth in there.
Reed Morano
I came to photography by accident.
Eve Arnold
I'm not very eloquent about things like this, but I think that writing and photography go together. I don't mean that they are related arts, because they're not. But the person doing it, I think, learns from both things about accuracy of the eye, about observation, and about sympathy toward what is in front of you... It's about honesty, or truth telling, and a way to find it in yourself, how to need it and learn from it.
Eudora Welty