Pay Attention Quotes
We tend to pay attention to that which is the most current on our radar screen.
Warren Rudman -
I've begun to believe more and more that movies are all about transitions, that the key to making good movies is to pay attention to the transition between scenes. And not just how you get from one scene to the next, but where you leave a scene and where you come into a new scene. Those are some of the most important decisions that you make. It can be the difference between a movie that works and a movie that doesn't.
Steven Soderbergh
I don't want to end up a bureaucrat in the time-management business for God or a librarian cataloguing timeless truths. Salvation is kicking in the womb of creation right now, any time now. Pay attention.
Eugene H. Peterson -
There is meaning in all things. But are you paying attention?
Yasmin Mogahed -
What we pay attention to expands. What we pay attention to we become.
Brenda Shoshanna -
Community history is something that people need to pay attention to.
Gary Owens -
I think pastors are the worst listeners. We're so used to speaking, teaching, giving answers. We must learn to be quiet, quit being so verbal, learn to pay attention to what's going on, and listen.
Eugene H. Peterson -
Practice means making an effort to keep your mind steady. Yoga is about learning to pay attention. That's what drives transformation.
Beryl Bender Birch
That's death and life, you see. We all shine on. You just have to release your hearts, alert your senses, and pay attention. A leaf, a star, a song, a laugh. Notice all the little things, because somebody is reaching out to you. Qualcuno ti ama. Somebody loves you.
Ben Sherwood -
When you are on the erg your mind is too busy to pay attention to the sounds of the machine; you notice only that they are indeed loud.
Barry S. Strauss -
I'm really going to have to pay attention to Hines because I come down to the box a lot, and he likes to crack people. I have to be aware of where he is on the field.
Bob Sanders -
There's a reason why people question the trustworthiness of Hillary Clinton, and that's because they're paying attention.
Mike Pence -
I follow all the teams, but I'm always going to pay attention to my Jets. That was my second home.
Bart Scott -
Art is about paying attention.
Laurie Anderson
For some reason, she is the chosen one. People just want to turn on the TV and watch, and that's good for the rest of us. She's just got this aura around her that makes people want to pay attention.
Cristie Kerr -
It's a process of getting to know people. That's what photography is to me. It's about paying attention, not screwing up and blowing a great opportunity.
Eugene Richards -
I try not to pay much attention to what people say-I just try to concentrate on the game.
Jose Reyes -
Pay attention to your visual themes.
Andrew Mayne -
In normal times, investors should pay more attention to the credit markets because it's the energy by which everything is driven. It's the oil in the engine.
Rick Santelli -
Thoughts are like airplanes flying in the air. If you ignore them, there is no problem. If you pay attention to them, you create an airport inside your head and permit them to land!
Elder Paisios of Mount Athos
There’s something else that bears repeating here: Unleashing creativity requires that we loosen the controls, accept risk, trust our colleagues, work to clear the path for them, and pay attention to anything that creates fear.
Edwin Catmull -
You think everybody's paying attention to what you're doing. No, they're paying attention to what's interesting to them.
Bob Lefsetz -
Once you pay attention to your physical sensations, the next step is to label them, as in “When I feel anxious, I feel a crushing sensation in my chest.
Bessel van der Kolk -
Young children especially are receiving so much of the world through their ears and their eyes, particularly if they're pre-literate. So engaging them with sound, particularly sound that stirs them emotionally because of the sequence of notes, will make them pay attention.
Emma Walton Hamilton