Korea Quotes
Being exposed to different production environments in Korea, Japan and the U.S. was a great experience, and each system allows you to quench your thirst in a different way.
The cadence of life is slower in North Korea.
If we let Korea down, the Soviets will keep right on going and swallow up one place after another.
Fortunately, when Korea was struck by the 1997/8 financial crisis, that was a good opportunity for us to engage in fundamental reforms and strengthen our financial structure. As a result, our financial regulatory structure and regime have been very much strengthened.
It wasn't until I went to Korea out of high school and got exposed to the martial arts for the first time and was just completely enamored with the physical ability of the martial arts and making my black belt.
He joined the Army and would have gone to the first Gulf War, but it finished before he got there, although he had orders to go, ... He's been in Korea twice and Saudi Arabia and various other places.
I shall make that trip. I shall go to Korea.
In order to obtain any joint statement at all, the U.S. negotiator Christopher Hill shifted from the Bush administration's 'never-again' position to one of avowing 'respect' for North Korea regaining its sovereign right to acquire light-water reactor technology and to discuss such provision at an 'appropriate' time.
Talking about Korea, it has pretty high capital ratios at banks and maintains a good credit rating.
Just to take a couple steps back historically, Korea, as you can see, is located among what we call big countries. And historically we've always been the victim of numerous invasions and whatnot.
Korea is an open society and we will make sure that there is no restriction on foreign investment in Korea.
Well when I was young, actually not just me, but we were all poor. Korea used to be one of the poorest countries in the world. Despite such circumstances, I was very, very fortunate to be blessed with having parents who always instilled in a spirit of can-do spirit.
Please clean your plate dear, the Lord above can see ya. Don't you know people are starving in Korea.
My wife, well she has extensive experience, because before becoming the first lady, she was the wife of the CEO of a large conglomerate. So I have very high hopes that she will carry out her job successfully as first lady of the Republic of Korea.
With the lessons taken from the financial crisis in 1997, the Republic of Korea has been able to surmount the global economic crisis rather successfully.
I am delighted ... that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has now made a strategic choice to take the path of co-operation.
Part of my heritage being Korean, it's going to be interesting going to Korea and answering these questions dealing with North and South Korea.
Germany, South Korea - these are all countries that are investing massively in education. We've got to do the same thing in America.
In my generation, this was not the first occasion when the strong had attacked the weak.Communism was acting in Korea just as Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese had acted ten, fifteen, and twenty years earlier. I felt certain that if South Korea was allowed to fall, Communist leaders would be emboldened to override nations closer to our own shores.
The Framework Agreement is one of the best things the [Clinton] Administration has done because it stopped a nuclear weapons program in North Korea.
Gee, I never thought I had an effect on people until I was in Korea.
From the Chinese perspective, Korea ranks about third or fourth in terms of trading volume and about third in terms of investment.
I read The Vegetarian and fell in love with it. A year later, I was invited to go and speak at the London Book Fair (which I'd never even heard of before), as they were gearing up for Korea being the market focus country in 2014. I met Max Porter there, Kang's editor at Portobello, sent him my sample, and the rest is history.
I shot down two airplanes in Korea, so I wasn't a slouch.