Exception Quotes
Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups.
Formula to live your dream: 1. Be bold. 2. Begin now, 3. No exceptions.
People who don't normally read make an exception for my books, possibly because they're short.
Individual goals never meant that much to me. The Heisman is no exception.
Lying is the rule, not the exception.
I spoke last night with many of my counterparts and without exception there was overwhelming support for this action by the military coalition consisting of the United States and the United Kingdom.
There's no exception to the rule, yes, everybody's somebody's fool.
First, we believe in absolutely gun-free, zero-tolerance, totally safe schools. That means no guns in America's schools, period ... with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained se curity personnel.
Authoritative interpretations of the First Amendment guarantees have consistently refused to recognize an exception for any test of truth whether administered by judges, juries, or administrative officials and especially one that puts the burden of proving truth on the speaker.
Yes, she is in love with him, and yes, in spite of his qualms and inner hesitations, he loves her back, however improbable that might seem to him. Note here for the record that he is not someone with a special fixation on young girls. Until now, all the women in his life have been more or less his own age. Pilar therefore does not represent an embodiment of some ideal female type for him--she is merely herself, a small piece of luck he stumbled across one afternoon in a public park, an exception to every rule.
Perhaps no American family-with the possible exception of the Adams family-has had a more vivid and powerful impact on the life of their times. But the Kennedy tale-the spiral compound of glory, achievement, degradation and almost mythical tragedy-exerts a fascination upon us that goes beyond their public achievements.
Manage by exception.Only require reporting when there is a deviation from the plan.
But I'm in favor of every religion with the possible exception of snake-chunking. Anybody that so presumes on how he stands with Providence that he will let a snake bite him, I say he deserves what he's got coming to him.
It's much more fun to be the exception, not the rule
As a rule, I don't like to laugh at the misfortune of others. The exception to that rule is if it's really, really funny.
Almost without exception alcoholics are tortured by loneliness.
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.
Concerning iTunes, the deals have mainly been done with the record companies. But the artists, with some exceptions, haven't been very well-represented. This is partly because the record companies have largely been copyright owners.
The first exception [to the First Amendment] will not be the last.
I shortly will introduce legislation banning the sale, manufacture or possession of handguns (with exceptions for law enforcement and licensed target clubs)... . It is time to act. We cannot go on like this. Ban them!
I understand that most ladies tend to prefer lap dogs.... Perhaps I am an exception.
I call a lie: wanting not to see something one does see, wanting not to see something as one sees it... The most common lie is the lie one tells to oneself; lying to others is relatively the exception.
In my age group I don't know a single woman who is as successful as I am. I am the total exception. You can be very proud of it. But you are also very isolated.
We all romp about, grieving, wondering, but with rare exception we mostly remain suspended in the Rhetorical Colloidal Forever that agglutinates between Might and Do.