Careers Quotes
Being on stage is the best part of my career. I just say whatever comes into my head. It's the only time I feel grown-up and in control of things.
It's very hard trying to have love and a career at the same time. For those who can, great, but I can't.
I was never into the boy crazy thing because I was very focused on my career.
My acting stopped being about disguise and became about truth which suits the camera, so my film career took off when I came out.
During my early days as a sportsman and early career as a policeman, things were tight. In athletics I competed as an amateur and, although I might have received some expenses, very little came my way in earnings.
My friends have stood by me marvelously in the ups and downs of my career. I don't believe there is anything more worthwhile in life than friendship. Friendship is a far better thing than love, as it is commonly accepted.
Even when I was with Arista records, which was the freest part of my career, you still have to run a lot of stuff by committee whether it's a budget, or the album artwork, or how may songs you get to record. This was total freedom. We had nobody to answer to. We didn't have to get anything approved.
I have spent my career trying to get Congressmen to spend the people's money as if it were their own. But I have failed.
It is very, very, very difficult for an American actor who wants a film career to be open about his sexuality. And even more difficult for a woman if she's lesbian. It`s very distressing to me that that should be the case. The film industry is very old fashioned in California.
An artist's career doesn't happen in the cycle of one week of news. An artist's career happens in a lifetime, and if you're a true artist you're willing to die for what you believe in.
Over the years, I have seen too many politicians ruin their careers because they could not accept defeat graciously.
If you're 22 years old and you can't believe you're even in the position to have a career making music, the first thing you're going to think is: Maintain. Don't lose it. And that's precisely what causes you to lose everything.
Military pay has been allowed to lag behind to the point where career enlisted men with families to feed have been forced to resort to food stamps.
I would love to spend my whole career in Scan Diego because I accept the challenge of turning this team around.
I want my career to grow gradually. There's still so much for me to learn. I'm just trying to take these opportunities to get better at what I'm doing.
You can't just imitate and keep coming up with ideas. You have to be tapping into something that's pure and unconscious in yourself or you'll have no career.
Women are told that we can have the most exciting, glamorous, demanding, rewarding careers ever but we also have to be constantly sexy and sexually interested, and when we have children we have to spend more time with our kids. Of course you can't really do all three of those things at once, so we feel this tremendous stress.
I'd always thought that if I could get sober and stay sober, I would be able to have a career making music. My drug and alcohol addiction was the one thing holding me back. I had finally gotten the tools to stay sober, and it was just a matter of writing the songs.
I sort of dreamed about directing before my career as an actor took off. I've directed stage before in so many capacities on tours. I put that together. You have to. Otherwise, it's your statement. It's your voice, and that has to come through.
In science, you really do need to have a purpose-driven life. You will succeed to the extent that you get the most out of your career so that you can give the most back. Try to be an addict, driven to achieve discoveries, learning new things, and then writing about them.
If you don't encounter setbacks in your career, if you don't have doubts and disappointments , let me tell you, you're not dreaming big enough.
When I was 18 years old, about to develop my sportsman career, the asthma complaints became already some years before.
You must ignore what everyone else is doing and trade only when you feel the odds are in your favor. In short, trade only when you and you alone are comfortable that the expected return of your trades will be positive. That might mean you'll have to sit out a few parties, but it will also mean that you'll have more profits over the course of your trading career.
The good thing about competing at the NCAA Division I Level is that identifying recruits is usually a pretty easy thing for us to do. Most of the time, the type of kids we recruit are identified early in their high school careers by many college programs.