Wells Quotes
All cowardice comes from not truly loving, or at least, not loving well.
Well, I wouldn't want to say that I started it (rock 'n' roll), but I don't remember anyone else before me playing that kind of stuff.
When people show you who they are, believe them. I carry that with me a lot. It has served me well.
For it is fixed principle with me, that whatever is done should be done well.
Romance is an illusion. Well, romance is not a complete illusion, but it's ephemeral. It does not last.
Well I have a microphone and you don't so you will listen to every damn word I have to say!
I'm a hustler, baby; I sell water to a well!
As Shakespeare says, if you're going to do a thing you might as well pop right at it and get it over.
Well, art has to be sexy.
Well if I could play like Wynton, I wouldn't play like Wynton.
In general, Gazprom is doing well and is increasing export in its traditional partner countries.
You have to be either naive or power-hungry to get into politics. I wouldn't consider it myself. I am too well-informed.
Stay well away from the enemies of Allâh during their festivals.
I buy hats like women buy shoes. I have well over 150.
You've got a lot going for you, you see. By just describing well with it, something happens.
Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the conviction that there is good worth working for.
You my friend,I will defend,and if we change well, I love you anyway.
Whatever you do big or small, do it well or don't do it at all.
As you get older, your voice changes, as well. Your voice should be able to last as long as you last.
I don't play well enough to be allowed to throw my clubs.
My hairdresser in the U.K., Adam Reed, has his own line, Percy and Reed, and it's really good. And I use Moroccan Oil and Kerastase as well.
If you look at cable networks, they almost always start licensing content wherever they can, so they can build a subscriber base. But then they start doing their own content; it's a pretty well-trodden path.
Take the course opposite to custom and you will almost always do well.
I was two when we left Indiana, and I don't really remember it that well.