Responsibilities Quotes
People would ask me how I could stand the long campaigning, how I could stand being charged with the responsibilities of a great nation, one of the most powerful and difficult jobs in the world. It wasn't any more difficult than picking cotton all day or shaking peanuts.
There's something great about driving through studio gates and leaving all your responsibilities behind.
I know that I do have influence over the people who watch me, and it's quite a pressure. I have to stay positive, and while I would never use the words 'role model', I am mindful of the responsibilities that come with a substantial viewership.
Let's create an integrated global community where we have shared benefits and responsibilities, and we don't fight because of our differences.
Every person in a well-ordered state is fully conscious of both his responsibilities and his rights.
You have to work on your weaknesses, but you have to work on your strengths even more. After all, returning well is one of my chief responsibilities on a court.
The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own Son.
If you have no worries and no responsibilities, having all those girls around is brilliant. And it's still brilliant if you have responsibilities and you can keep them. But it becomes difficult if you start doubting the responsibilities. That's when you can spoil it.
Responsibilities are relative. My responsibility is to a character in a script, to a part I'm playing.
Men should do their actual living and working in communities small enough to permit of genuine self-government and the assumption of personal responsibilities, federated into larger units in such a way that the temptation to abuse great power should not arise.
I accept that it was a mistake to allow distinctions to be blurred between my professional responsibilities and my personal loyalties to a friend. Mr Speaker, I am sorry for this. I have apologised to the prime minister, to the public, and, at the first opportunity available, to the House.
When we paint, whether it is on our bodies for ceremony or on bark or canvas for the market, we're not just painting for fun or profit, we're painting as we always have done to demonstrate our continuing link with our country and the rights and responsibilities we have to it.
We do have responsibilities, as we live on this planet. It is our one and only home, which we are obligated to protect, to keep as beautiful and harmonious as it is. It is really for everyone to do so, including you and me.
Remember, presidents and bishops, that the callings of your associates are just as divinely inspired as is yours, and they are therefore entitled to inspiration in their specific responsibilities. Lean upon them. Learn from them. Love them. Listen to them.
By assigning his political rights to the state the individual also delegates his social responsibilities to it: he asks the state to relieve him of the burden of caring for the poor precisely as he asks for protection against criminals. The difference between pauper and criminal disappears - both stand outside society.
You can't escape tomorrow's responsibilities by evading it today.
We believe it is imperative to sensitize them to their responsibilities in that domain.
While we deny many of the allegations made in the lawsuit, our attorneys will continue to try and resolve this matter, ... It is our expectation that this lawsuit will not unduly disrupt our family or professional duties and responsibilities.
When you are in your 20s and you're not married with kids, you're having fun. But when you're in your 30s and you're not married and don't have kids, you begin to develop a Peter Pan complex. As you grow older, you have more responsibilities and you have to step up to them.
I would much rather see responsibilities exercised by individuals than have them imposed by the government.
This action also will meet a fundamental objective of the partners -- to share ownership benefits and responsibilities more broadly among all of the firm's employees.
When we thus rule ourselves, we have the responsibilities of sovereigns, not of subjects. We must never exercise our rights either wickedly or thoughtlessly; we can continue to preserve them in but one possible way, by making the proper use of them.
Leading women, if they are to offer variations from the present companies of leading men, need to be drawn from a wide spectrum of household and family arrangements. If women with children and family responsibilities are almost always seriously limited by these, then those currently in power will not have the personal experience necessary to represent these overlooked areas.
Since I became chairman, I've tried to turn EFF into civil liberties and responsibilities.