Beautiful Quotes
In a city [world] as dirty as this, You gather up, save, and show me Purely beautiful things.
Ayumi Hamasaki
I have three lovely children. They are beautiful, talented, and kind-hearted. I'm most proud of them. I love them so much that I will never want to burden them with a large amount of inherited wealth.
Li Lu
The best beauty secret, besides sleep and plenty of water, is do whatever it is - before you go out, before you need to feel beautiful - do whatever makes you feel confident. If it's putting on a great dance record and rocking out in your apartment, do it. If kissing someone for 10 minutes makes you feel confident, do it.
Aimee Mullins
The beautiful thing about baseball is that anything can happen. It's like life in that way. As soon as you think you have it all figured out, something happens that makes you realize - you know nothing. The only thing that's guaranteed is that it will be an exciting ride.
Alyssa Milano
You need not see what someone is doing to know if it is his vocation, you have only to watch his eyes: a cook mixing a sauce, a surgeon making a primary incision, a clerk completing a bill of lading wear the same rapt expression, forgetting themselves in a function. How beautiful it is, that eye-on-the-obje ct look.
W. H. Auden
The mathematician who after seeing Phedre asked: 'Qu'est que ca prouve?' was not such a fool as he has been generally made out. No one has ever been able to explain why the Doric temple of Paestum is more beautiful than a glass of cold beer except by bringing in considerations that have nothing to do with beauty.
W. Somerset Maugham
Focus on the roses: 'A person who gathers honey will not escape being stung by bees. A person who gathers roses will not escape being scratched by thorns.' The positive things in life also have negative aspects. Keep your focus on the beautiful roses of the world, and the thorns will seem trivial and inconsequential.
Zelig Pliskin
While I know that the beautiful, the spiritual and the sublime are suspect today, I have begun to stop resisting the constant urge to deny that beauty has a valid right to exist in contemporary art.
Ian Hornak
I'm not a driven businessman, but a driven artist. I never think about money. Beautiful things make money.
Lord Acton
I used to have this Mercedes, a dark blue 450SLC, which was the most beautiful car. I'd like to have another unusual, beautiful car.
Andrew Davies
I don't dislike any of my exes. If I took time to form a relationship, it's gonna hurt when we move on, but are you puttin' White-Out over all that beautiful time together? That was real time in your life. It's connected to where you are today.
Matthew McConaughey
Five qualities there are wine's praise advancing;
Strong, beautiful, fragrant, cool and dancing.
John Harington
If Copenhagen were a person, that person would be generous, beautiful, elderly, but with a flair. A human being that has certain propensities for quarrelling, filled with imagination and with appetite for the new and with respect for the old - somebody who takes good care of things and of people.
Connie Nielsen
I love using rice as a flour; I'll grind roasted rice and dip fish in that. It gives a beautiful, crunchy texture.
Marcus Samuelsson
Style, like the human body, is specially beautiful when, so to say, the veins are not prominent, and the bones cannot be counted, but when a healthy and sound blood fills the limbs, and shows itself in the muscles, and the very sinews become beautiful under a ruddy glow and graceful outline.
I want to be Gary Barlow and peak when I'm 40. That's my plan - he's who I'm modeling myself on. Most people are completely beautiful when they're young, and then there's always a point when they get older where they say: 'Oh, what happened?!'
James Corden
We must always take from nature what we paint and always choose the most beautiful things.
Leon Battista Alberti
I still believe that everyone is beautiful in some way and by seeing the beauty in others we make ourselves more beautiful.
Carole King