Even before I had an assistant, my calendar was color-coded and I had all these different e-mail rules for how to prioritize e-mails, so I made it a point years ago to figure all that stuff out because my life was a mess.
Chris Hardwick -
Videogames make you feel like you're actually doing something. Your brain processes the tiered game achievements as real-life achievements. Every time you get to the next level, hot jets of reward chemical coat your brain in a lathery foam, and it seems like you're actually accomplishing stuff.
Chris Hardwick
What's more unnerving than magnetism, ghosts, and unpurified water? Gadgetmongers who purport to protect us from metaphysical monsters that go bump in the New Age night.
Chris Hardwick -
We're not in an information age anymore. We're in the information management age.
Chris Hardwick -
I played tournament chess from fifth grade up into high school.
Chris Hardwick -
Bowling is all physics and energy distribution. It's F = ma. So it is actually one of the most science-y sports, because it literally is just a ball and a surface and objects to knock down.
Chris Hardwick -
Don't tell television, but there is some superior programming being made on the Interwebz.
Chris Hardwick -
Steve Martin said that philosophy is good for comedy because it screws up your thinking just enough, and I agree with that. Being forced to see life's metadata is good training for looking for interesting angles on a topic.
Chris Hardwick
Trying to make strangers laugh is crazy and more than a little narcissistic.
Chris Hardwick -
I think being an outcast is what sort of strengthens the nerd movement, because you're isolated, so you have time.
Chris Hardwick -
Comment threads are the new therapy for people. They just go and post the worst things they can think of because they feel bad, and then other people start attacking them, and then they attack back.
Chris Hardwick -
When you first start working, you take whatever job is offered, because you have to build your resume. But you don't think about what you're building.
Chris Hardwick -
I feel like so much of why I sort of want to work in television is so that people know to come see me live.
Chris Hardwick -
I do find some of the meanest, most exclusionary people are the nerds. And they rebel against other nerds! What are you doing? As much as I love nerds and the nerd movement, the nerd-on-nerd violence is really bad. A lot of times, nerds are the meanest ones online. And also, the trolling can be very extensive because they're smart.
Chris Hardwick
Just as someone who's been interested in radio and programming for so long, I can usually tell when an interviewer is doing a segment just to fill a programming slot. They ask questions, but they don't care about the answers.
Chris Hardwick -
If I wasn't acting or doing stand-up, I would be in animation. Or if I had the discipline I might studies physics.
Chris Hardwick -
For podcasters, people are just being themselves in a public fashion. So when someone is attacking a podcast, they're really attacking the person, because the person is the podcast. So I think that's why podcasters take it to heart. It's a very personal form of media, probably the most personal form of media.
Chris Hardwick -
My father was one of the greatest professional bowlers of all time. Seriously. Billy Hardwick: PBA Hall of Fame, Player of the Year in '63 and '69, and the first winner of the triple crown of bowling, among other things.
Chris Hardwick -
If you can build your career around your passions, then you're winning in life; that's one of the best things you can ask for.
Chris Hardwick -
Television and movies just take so long. If you pitch a show or develop a project, it can be a year before your show even gets on the air, if it gets picked up.
Chris Hardwick
Comic-Con is interesting because there's so much going on at once, it's literally impossible to do everything. You need clones and some sort of hoverboard so you can surf over the crowd of packed-in nerds.
Chris Hardwick -
While the liberal media elite depict the bowler as a chubby guy with a comb-over and polyester pants, the reality is that bowling is one of the most tech-heavy sports today. Robotic pinsetters and computerized scoring were just the beginning.
Chris Hardwick -
It's funny: when I first started getting vocal about how much I liked 'Doctor Who,' I didn't realize how deep the fan base was.
Chris Hardwick -
The goal of almost every comic is to find a comedy voice - a specific point of view that an audience can latch onto.
Chris Hardwick