To a father waxing old, nothing is dearer than a daughter; sons have spirits of a higher pitch, but less inclined to endearing fondness.
Euripides -
Worse than a true evil is it to bear the burden of faults that are not truly yours.
Sweet is the remembrance of troubles when you are in safety.
Euripides -
Where there is no wine there is no love.
Euripides -
Who knows but life be that which men call death, And death what men call life?
Euripides -
Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.
Euripides -
Some wisdom you must learn from one who's wise.
Euripides -
There is as much confusion in the world of the gods as in ours.
When a man's stomach is full it makes no difference whether he is rich or poor.
Euripides -
It is wise to withhold one's heart and mind from men who think themselves superior.
Euripides -
Men honor property above all else; it has the greatest power in human life.
Euripides -
For with slight efforts how should we obtain great results? It is foolish even to desire it.
Euripides -
If some appalling disaster befalls, there's Always a way for the rich.
Euripides -
No one is happy all his life long.
Youth holds no society with grief.
Euripides -
The nobly born must nobly meet his fate.
Euripides -
How sweet to remember the trouble that is past.
Euripides -
There is no harbor of peace from the changing waves of joy and despair.
Euripides -
Time will cure you, but now is your grief still young.
Euripides -
How dark are all the ways of god to man!
Some men never find prosperity, For all their voyaging, While others find it with no voyaging.
Euripides -
Time will discover everything to posterity; it is a babbler, and speaks even when no question is put.
Euripides -
The man who knows when not to act is wise. To my mind bravery if forethought.
Euripides -
I have found nothing stronger than Necessity.