Ry Cooder Quotes
I have to think that somewhere on some little island in the Pacific, there's someone's who's great, but I'm probably never going to hear him.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Quotes to Explore
You have to be around people you trust; otherwise you can't do anything - you're afraid, you're paranoid, and you can't do any work.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
All the money in the world is spent on feeling good.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
No second chances in the land of a thousand dances, the valley of ten million insanities.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Some things I like to do better than other things, but I've got to say that in the end, the thing that makes it the most interesting for me is who you're with, you know? It's people that make the difference in just about any field, right?
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
There are those who make music and movies in a linear way: They plan them, they have a script. Of course, you have to have a script sometimes, but that alone isn't enough.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
In oddball places, the electric guitar has been taken as an almost alien object - this weird, six-stringed instrument that fell down to earth and was then played loud but with traditional grace and intelligence
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
You can make records from now 'til doomsday, and there are something like 50,000 records released every year, but the public gets to hear very few of these. They just won't know. They might be great records, but how in the world is the public supposed to find out about them?
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Beautiful tunes are all very good and fine, and great musicians are always great, but that alone isn't enough.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Musicians understand each other through means other that speaking.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
You should try to do something if you think you can see your way clear.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
If you can't get yourself understood, you may have trouble, so you need some interpretation every now and again wherever you might be.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
These musicians, such as these Cubans in Havana, are a part of a scene that did produce great music and great musicians. They came from this tradition, so it's a good place to look. It's like prospecting: You gotta know where to look.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Los Angeles is not Mexico City, but we have many fine nightclubs and restaurants here. It is enough. One must not aim too high.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
If you think you fit into a situation, it's worth trying.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Most folks, when they see movies or hear records, need something that they find pulls them in, draws them in, and appeals to them beyond just the notes. For a record to be memorable and great, it has to have something of this quality. Exactly what that is, I don't know, but I think it has something to do with an atmosphere, an environment that is appealing and attractive. And the people that inhabit this environment have... almost a message for the rest of the world.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Something has to happen between you and the public, some interface that lets the public in on what you're doing.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
Musicians are not so concerned with language.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club
I have to think that somewhere on some little island in the Pacific, there's someone's who's great, but I'm probably never going to hear him.
Ry Cooder
Buena Vista Social Club