Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar Quotes
Live before you die, so that death is also a lively celebration.

Quotes to Explore
As a mighty river which when properly harnessed by dams and canals, creates a vast reservoir of water, prevents famine and provides abundant power for industry; so also the mind, when controlled, provides a reservoir of peace and generates abundant energy for the human uplift.
To be dull is easy,
In forward bends, one uses the outer mind while in backbends the outer mind is silenced and the inner mind is made to work.
Focus on keeping your spine straight. It is the job of the spine to keep the brain alert.
The highest point of yesterday should be the lowest point of today
Knowledge of yoga is no substitute for practice.
We are a little piece of continual change, looking at an infinite quantity of continual change.
True concentration is an unbroken thread of awareness.
Before peace between the nations, we have to find peace inside that small nation which is our own being.
One's spiritual realization lies in none other than how one walks among and interacts with one's fellow beings.
Words cannot convey the value of yoga - it has to be experienced.
Yoga is about the will, working with intelligence and self-reflexive consciousness, can free us from the inevitability of the wavering mind and outwardly directed senses.
Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul.
You must fill every inch of your body with the asana from your chest and arms and legs to the tips of your fingers and toes so that the asana radiates from the core of your body and fills the entire diameter and circumference of your limbs. You must feel your intelligence, your awareness, and your consciousness in every inch of your body.
After a session of yoga, the mind becomes tranquil and passive.
The supreme adventure in a man’s life is his journey back to his Creator. To reach the goal he needs well developed and co-ordinated functioning of his body, senses, mind, reason and Self.
If the foundation is firm the building can withstand calamities. The practice of yoga is the foundation so that the self is not shaken under any circumstances.
To master fear is the most important battle to win.
Why should you practice Yoga? To kindle the divine fire within yourself. Everyone has a dormant spark of divinity in him which has to be fanned into flame.
The conjunction of effort, concentration and balance in asana forces us to live intensely in the present moment, a rare experience in modern life.
By persistent and sustained practice, anyone and everyone can make the yoga journey and reach the goal of illumination and freedom.
Asana done from the brain makes one heavy and done from the heart makes one light.
I always tell people, live happily and die majestically.
As a fire blazes brightly when the covering of ash over it is scattered by the wind, the divine fire within the body shines in all its majesty when the ashes of desire are scattered by the practice of pranayama.