I've met many irresponsible people in my life but never an irresponsible cat.
Rita Mae Brown -
A narcissism shared by two.
Rita Mae Brown
The only good thing ever done by a committee was the King James version.
Rita Mae Brown -
One survey found that ten percent of Americans thought Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.
Rita Mae Brown -
Never, ever underestimate your readers. Everything you do registers.
Rita Mae Brown -
Never hope for it more than you work for it.
Rita Mae Brown -
We have the ability to be the Athens of modern times as opposed to the militaristic Sparta. I remind you that the Athenians wrote poetry. The Spartans did not.
Rita Mae Brown -
Knowing Latin and having two years of Attic Greek gave me the strong foundation upon which I've built a career. I think the classical training, more than anything, has provided me with longevity.
Rita Mae Brown
I hate the telephone. I think the lowest circle of hell is reserved for Alexander Graham Bell.
Rita Mae Brown -
When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began.
Rita Mae Brown -
Guilt is a Jewish invention improved upon by Christians for the last two thousand years.
Rita Mae Brown -
Dad could charm a dog off a meat wagon.
Rita Mae Brown -
Death is a greatly overrated experience. I hated Mother's and I'm not looking forward to my own. Apart from the sorrow there are the bills to be paid. Nobody dies for free.
Rita Mae Brown -
all outcast peoples struggle to be recognized as individuals. The damage of oppression is that it robs you of your individuality. You're just a faggot. Or whatever - fill in the blank. Everything you do is seen through the prism of your gayness or your womanness or your blackness by some people.
Rita Mae Brown
I think in the years to come what Reagan will be remembered for is that he had the chance to stop the plague and he chose not to because the 'right people' were dying.
Rita Mae Brown -
You sell a screenplay like you sell a car. If someone drives it off a cliff, that's it.
Rita Mae Brown -
Show me a writer, any writer, who hasn't suffered and I'll show you someone who writes in pastels as opposed to primary colors.
Rita Mae Brown -
If critics want to help me, let them come sit next to me while I'm writing.
Rita Mae Brown -
Gossip is irresponsible communication. Irresponsible because it is at the expense of another person who is not there to defend herself. Irresponsible because it is not constructive: it helps no one, least of all the person being gossiped about.
Rita Mae Brown -
I don't want to die. I think death is a greatly overrated experience.
Rita Mae Brown
Dying's not so bad. At least I won't have to answer the telephone.
Rita Mae Brown -
I still miss those I loved who are no longer with me but I find I am grateful for having loved them. The gratitude has finally conquered the loss.
Rita Mae Brown -
We animals live life in all its glorious uncertainty. Why do politicians think they can control events?
Rita Mae Brown -
You're nothing in America if you don't have debt.
Rita Mae Brown