I pivoted from a pro-Trump guy to more of a journalistic guy, and I'm going to keep making that pivot. So whenever people think of me as, like, a pro-Trump guy, I don't want people to think of me as a pro-Trump guy anymore.
I enjoy just the raw human visceral reaction of jumping into the arena and just swinging the hammer and seeing what is left over afterwards. Twitter is just modern-day gladiatorial combat.
With the SEO value of Gawker, I could sell anything, including 'Gorilla Mindset' books. I would self-monetize. The way Alex Jones does it.
I believe in strong borders, including keeping out Islamic terrorists. If people think that's inherently racist, fine - but I'm an American nationalist, not a white nationalist.
Women want to be tamed.
Most super PACs are a money-laundering operation that exists solely to enrich the members or its founders.
Check your testosterone levels. Every study on evolutionary psychology has correlated testosterone levels with dominance.
I view myself as having an adversarial approach to the media.
If I could push a button and get rid of all these dumb people flying Nazi flags and have them never show up - They are a big problem for the Right.
Everything I do is alchemy. That's why I believe in magic. Not black magic, not the satanic magic that they practice in Hollywood and that the deep state practices and that the media practice. I believe in good magic, light magic, alchametic magic.
The reason that I'm so fast at what I do is - I'm not saying that I'm getting stories that nobody else has - the difference is that if a tip goes out to five people, and I know that it's a reliable source, I just tweet it out. If you're at a respectable news organization, that would be considered irresponsible.
I'm not alt-right.
There's tremendous SEO value in Gawker.
Gawker started out speaking the truth to power, and then it became about bullying anyone who didn't conform to their social justice orthodoxy. They wanted to inflict pain on people with no platform simply for the sake of inflicting pain.
If a girl you're on a date with expresses ideals similar to those expressed by social justice bullies, end the date.
My first marriage was ruined by feminist indoctrination.
I consider myself a writer, foremost - a nonfiction writer.
Am I a ranting maniac on Twitter? Yeah, but I'm also a pretty mellow, married guy who's into hiking and walking his dog.
I talk to everyone - Uber drivers, bartenders. On Twitter, people see me as some mean guy, but in real life, I am out there asking questions.
The alt right is a disinfo group designed to discredit Trump and to frustrate his agenda, which is why David Duke and all those guys go around saying they're pro Trump.
I don't want anyone to think of me as a pro-Trump guy. I'm going to specifically reject any kind of branding about pro-Trump or whatever.
Alchametic magic is 'How do I create something out of nothing purely through manifesting my will through power and light, which is value.' That's white magic. That's alchametic magic.
Although I'm great at political commentary and journalism, it's not my passion. 'Gorilla Mindset' is.
The Harvey Weinstein case showed us that Hollywood is rotten to the core.