Neera Tanden Quotes
We don't have great answers to what jobs will look like in 10, 20, 30 years. And I think it's right for people to have some anxiety in a world where driverless cars are going to take over. Like, how are you going - it's gotten really, how are you going to have a job in 10 years, and how are your kids going to have a job in 10 years, if you haven't gone to college or had a lot of hand-ups in the system, basically.
Neera Tanden
Quotes to Explore
I do think that the Trump presidency, even for the resistance, there is pre-Charlottesville and a post-Charlottesville moment, and Donald Trump's response to Charlottesville was a kind of extraordinarily shameful moment, I think, actually for the country.
Neera Tanden
I hate to say that not everything is politics, but not everything is politics.
Neera Tanden
Religious liberty should mean religious liberty for everyone, employees as well.
Neera Tanden
I think Trump wanted to use his 2016 campaign to basically say to a lot of folks that liberals hate you. And we have to show a bolder economic plan than we have before, one, I think, that needs to be focused on jobs, that communicates to those voters that we do care, that we care as much about their success as any other success, anyone else's success.
Neera Tanden
So far Trump has done everything he could possibly do to pit Americans against each other, to sow division, to fuel distrust of American against American, to adopt a kind of Bannonite strategy of fueling racial antagonism, xenophobic antagonism against Dreamers, et cetera.
Neera Tanden
I think a core principle of the Democratic Party has to be a defense of equal rights for every American. At the same time, when you look at the election, and not just the 2016 election, but the elections to come, Democrats have to do better than we did in 2016 in communities, in rural communities where people feel like they've been in a slow burn recession or depression for years, not just months.
Neera Tanden