I suppose the reason why I like acting is because I'm curious about human nature, and the less I know about a character on the page, instinctively, in a way, the better.
I think acting can be very frustrating, and there's no experience that doesn't make you a better actor. So people may choose to explore their other talents.
I'm not consciously avoiding doing a lot of period drama, but I don't really seek it out either.
I used to have the most visceral response to having my photo taken. I felt like instantly bursting into tears and running out of the room. I hated all the attention, which is such a stupid thing for an actor to say.
I don't like talking about myself, if I'm honest.
Whenever I'm in theatre situations I will go out of my way not to talk about my father, but in the film world I can be really proud of my family and say, 'You know what: my dad's a really, really famous theatre director,' because nobody has any idea.
A floor length backless black sequined dress would be my dream dress. As for my dream date - that would have to be a young Marlon Brando!
I daydream about things I want to happen, but none of it is more complicated, most of the time, than just really hoping that the good parts and the well-written parts are the ones that turn up on my doorstep.
Sometimes you can incubate a character and that can take me a month just sitting on it imagining it, doing everything from sketching it to taking long walks, but sometimes you can see the character immediately. A lot of it is instinctive.
If you choose to do both acting and directing on a set, than you're admitting that you understand that everyone is in it for the same goal and it's a collaborative experience. You can't really jump into being an actor, and than direct yourself. At some point, you have to be willing to accept other people's opinions. I think that's helpful. If you try to micro-manage and control all of it, than you're probably heading for disaster.
Twin Peaks' is my favorite American TV show.
I was a really pretentious teenager.
I've played an awful lot of repressed people.
I don't think there's a single person on this planet that doesn't have a day when they feel like they're off, like they're not doing a very good job of being them. We all relate to having highs and lows. Everyone gets depressed.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be an actor. It has just always been an inevitability on some level.
I've always had horrible Valentine's Days.
My mum's American. She's from Detroit.
You either hear the story and you're curious, and you're sort of sympathetic, or you think, "Ugh, how horrible." That's dehumanizing. How about we take that and turn Christine Chubbuck into a person and it's not about the final act, it's about her life. I felt that really strongly, and I felt a sort of deep sympathy with her. It's also why I do what I do. I want to try to make difficult people somehow relatable.
As a child I loved ghost stories.
Feminism is something I think about more when I watch the film, Christine, rather than when I was actually doing it, to be honest with you. But I do think it functions as a sort of interesting feministic critique, because you are seeing a woman who's resolutely incapable of behaving like the kind of woman that's acceptable at the time. She doesn't know how to play the game by everyone else's rules, and it makes you realize that actually there were rules that were functioning for a woman to be a careerist.
My childhood was very colourful, and I am very good friends with both my parents. We have no secrets.
The idea that fear can manipulate people and you can use fear in the media to get what you want is happening right now. I think it has a lot of relevance between 2017 and 70's.
Lentil dhal is the only thing I can cook.
I don't want to make vast generalizations about people who go into legal professions, but there are similarities in the barristers that I met and interacted with, in the sense that they tend to be highly eloquent, highly analytical, thinking people who have a very rapid-fire think-before-they-speak button, as it were.