Rick Tumlinson Quotes
To settle space, we will have to develop the ability to harvest and utilize the resources of the solar system, such as ores, ice, and the rays of the sun itself at levels of efficiency that will transform our relationship to our own planet Earth.

Quotes to Explore
I've now been in this country for thirteen years, since I was seventeen. So this is my second home.
Fall into your sentences; enjoy writing them. Love the world you are creating.
I was in law school at the University of Kentucky and realized I didn't really like law school, so I took a creative writing course for something different.
Give me the fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truth for yourself.
I think it's unfair that people can't give assets to whoever they want. When I die, my assets can go to my wife. And a gay person - you ought to have a system where maybe you can just say, 'You can give your assets to anybody you want.'
That was a major goal for me - to be able to reach and encourage more women, to encourage them to express themselves and be what they want to be. People get very trapped where they are.
I think that if you take somebody out of their comfort zone, they're going to dislike people because they're not liking themselves in a situation.
The less self-conscious you are about what you are about, the better in a way, that is to say technically. You have to get it in your blood, not in the head.
Work builds and refines character, creates beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God.
Fuzzy thinking is, after all, just one step above not thinking at all. But to take the ideas of serious transformational thinkers and philosophers and throw the "new age" label at them is also abhorrent.
The internet brought many laudable things, but prosperity, stability, accountability and honest politics were not four of them.
My new years resolution? I will be less laz.
One might as well attempt to calculate mathematically the contingent forms of the tinkling bits of glass in a kaleidoscope as to look through the tube of the future and foretell its pattern.
The noblest of all studies is the study of what man is and of what life he should live.
Science can tell us what exists; but to compare the worths, both of what exists and of what does not exist, we must consult not science, but what Pascal calls our heart.
Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrates hope severer than despair.
Don't be afraid to expand yourself, to step out of your comfort zone. That's where the joy and the adventure lie.
The efficient use of energy is as much an issue for Saudi Arabia, with its huge natural resources, as it is for all countries. Increased efficiency makes sense environmentally, but also economically.