Bernard of Clairvaux Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
All you have is yourself and what you have to present, and just focus on that. And if you can walk out of the audition and say to yourself, 'I hit all my beats,' 'I accomplished my emotional honesty,' or 'I remembered my words,' then that's winning.
I think the thing I'd like to do is just educate the people to some of the travesties they can end.
We don't have access to a national forum that we had in those days, through the news magazines which were the television news of the time. It's very disturbing to me that we've sort of been pushed to the corners.
I think if they put a laugh track on 'Intervention,' it would be funny.
I just want Tina Fey to be my best friend. And Lena Dunham. And Oprah, too.
Fame is a distraction sometimes. You know, it's a distraction if you let it. So it's very important to stay focused, stay very connected to your roots.
Being a former first lady doesn't prepare you to be president.
I grew up in L.A., so I'm a huge Lakers fan and Kobe fan.
If the Chinese can't buy U.S. products, they'll buy them from European countries and then develop stronger economic ties with France and Germany and perhaps side more with those countries when international issues flare up.
Nobody can tell you how the blues feel unless they have the blues. We all take it differently.
I like spending time with my husband.
It always gave me the creeps when I saw performers who desperately wanted the audience to like them. That's not what I'm about.
It is perfectly true that that government is best which governs least. It is equally true that that government is best which provides most.
My idea is always to reach my generation. The wise writer writes for the youth of his own generation, the critics of the next, and the schoolmasters of ever afterward.
The moment we realize that the only things we can intelligibly value are actual and potential changes in the experience of conscious beings, we can think about a landscape of such changes - where the peaks correspond to the greatest possible well-being and the valleys correspond to the lowest depths of suffering.
Again, one of the problems I have with television, as I mentioned before, is it's trivial in many ways, and I think that a lot of folks out there are looking for new metaphors and new ways of thinking about things.
I grew up going to public school, and they were huge public schools. I went to a school that had 3,200 kids, and I had grade school classes with 40-some kids. Discipline was rigid. Most of the learning was rote. It worked.
My family lived in Egypt from 1993 to 1996.
Because of lies, we can produce and invent a possible world.
Democracy represents the disbelief in all great men and in all elite societies: everybody is everybody's equal.
You're considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion....But I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity.
After upwards of two thousand years Epicurus has been exonerated from the reproach that the doctrines of his philosophy recommended the pleasures of sensuality and voluptuousness as the chief good. Calumny may rest on genius a considerable part of a world's duration; what then is the value of fame?
All things are possible to one who believes.