Lobbying is the world's second - oldest profession.
He is racist, he's homophobic, he's xenophobic and he's a sexist. He's the perfect Republican candidate. California Democratic Party chairman about Pat Buchanan.
Today, the U.S. has lost one out of every four manufacturing jobs that existed before NAFTA—over 5 million, with 42,000 factories closed. A modest trade surplus with Mexico was replaced with a large, persistent deficit. . . . NAFTA’s new investor protections dramatically increased the ability of corporations to outsource entire factories to Mexico”—resulting in the “giant sucking sound” presidential candidate Ross Perot warned us about.
I think Joe Madison is right. What we have to do is call him out on every one of these things and then maybe somebody will take the sweet machine away from him.
I mean, when you think about it, it's 'bombs bursting in air,' 'rocket's red glare,' it's all kinds of - you know a lot of national anthems are that way, too - all kinds of military jargon, and the land - there's only one phrase 'the land of the free,' which is kind of nice, and 'the home of the brave?' I don't know....Are we the only ones who are brave on the planet? I mean, all the brave people live here I mean, it's just stupid, I think. I'm embarrassed, I'm embarrassed every time I hear it.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership If corporations liked NAFTA, they will love TPP—and American workers hate the prospect of it. As some Democratic members of Congress succinctly put it, TPP is “NAFTA on steroids.”
Yet, despite his best efforts and intentions, Barack Obama, unlike George W. Bush, will leave office without having found a way to persuade Congress to raise the minimum wage for all workers nationwide. Thus, as of this writing, the federal minimum wage remains $7.25—which, in terms of purchasing power, is lower than it was in 1968. Little wonder that so many working Americans are struggling.
I think we ought to call (Republicans who sign the Norquist no tax pledge) exactly what they are - they are traitors and they don't deserve to hold elective office in this country.
In total, as of this writing in October 2015, there have been 972 mass shootings since the Sandy Hook murders, resulting in at least 1,217 people dead and 3,509 wounded.
These “undocumented workers” from south of the border may have come here illegally, but they have long ago integrated themselves into their communities. Once here, they obey the laws. They pay taxes. Many of their sons and daughters serve in the military. They make up the majority of the workforce in several key industries: agricultural workers, child care, kitchen help in restaurants, housecleaning, maid service in hotels, and more. I’ve seen the great contribution they’ve made to their communities in California. Like generations of immigrants before them, they have become American citizens by choice, not by birth. They are, in effect, already citizens in every respect but one. It’s now important to make it official, as Ronald Reagan did, and grant them citizenship—or at least a path to citizenship—in order to save families from the fear of being torn apart by federal agents.
The Justice Dept. is the new F.E.M.A.
In other words, in Barack Obama’s world, incrementalism is good enough. Fortunately, nobody ever told that to FDR or Teddy Roosevelt, or Lyndon Johnson.
In FY 2006, interest payments alone on the national debt cost us $406 billion. . . . What a waste. . . . That $406 billion is pathetically squandered on interest, just because we lacked the discipline to pay our bills when due.
I do not speak for the White House correspondents association. I`m not a member.
And despite promising “everything I’ve got,” President Obama either did not know how, or chose not, to use the persuasive powers of the presidency, à la Lyndon Baines Johnson, to force them to act.
You can disagree, but it`s a personal belittling attack which is beneath the dignity of the presidency.
Here is one of the first rules of politics: it's not enough that I do well; I must also destroy my enemy.
On the economy, good intentions were not enough. Bold leadership was needed. But Barack Obama did not provide it. And the economy still suffers.
Things are not as bad as they seem. They are worse.
The solidarity - now, you can`t challenge Donald Trump until he gets there White House, but let me tell you, we are united. We are going to do our job.