I prefer facts, but sometimes sense is all you have to go on.
I hope you do exist. Even though hope is as intangible as belief, I am not hostile to it.
Why was life stacked in such a way that she’d had to make binding decisions—where to live, whom to marry, whether to subjugate her own aspirations to those of Sam—before she had any way of knowing what she wanted? It seemed a cruel stroke that a willingness to wrestle with those questions came only after youth had been expended.
I left, but not before I kissed your mother eight times on the lips. That’s what we do, and amid all this uncertainty and lack of normalcy, I think it’s important to maintain our standards.
I tried eHarmony, because I liked the white hair and glasses of that guy on the commercials, and his manner was gentle, but eHarmony told me that the system and it's twenty nine levels of compatibility couldn't find anyone for me. That hurt my feelings.
I offer to shake hands with Kyle, but he insists on a high five, something I’ve never done. I’ve seen the Dallas Cowboys do it, and it looks like great fun.
There's a saying about ranch women. When they're 30, they look 50. When they're 80, they look 50.
I’m adrift. That’s the feeling I’ve had since setting out today—and, really, for much of this shitburger of a year—and I’ve finally found the word to describe that feeling.
I feel bad for Donna Middleton. But I do not feel sorry for her. This is a fine distinction, I think, but it feels right to me. I do not think Donna Middleton would appreciate my feeling sorry for her.
The one thing Hugo did better than almost anyone else, the one constant for much of his life, was being taken away in a most ignominious way.
The only way to bury the past is to build tomorrow on top of it.
Hugo and I sat together in the chapel and didn’t say a word to each other. We’d already said them all, in better times and in better places.
Ernest Hemingway talked about how writing is opening up a vein and bleeding onto the page. You prepared to do that?
Allow yourself this moment of sadness to mourn the loss of a true original, but let yourself be happy from now on that we were privileged to know him…
Dinner is leftover spaghetti, with meat sauce, warmed up in the microwave. I eat spaghetti nine times a week, every week, and it is my favorite food. And yet, tonight, I wonder if I'm in a rut.
I prefer rock music—my favorites are R.E.M. and Matthew Sweet—but I think that if Dr. Buckley played Matthew Sweet, some of her patients would not like it. Matthew Sweet has a song called “Sick of Myself,” and I am pretty sure that is exactly the wrong song name for a therapist’s waiting room.
I am nervous about this game. The Cowboys’ best player, quarterback Tony Romo, is not going to play because he has a broken finger. The Cowboys ought to be able to win without Tony Romo because the St. Louis Rams are terrible, but I am still nervous.
Active, pulsing love took a secondary position to expedient need and the narcoleptic inertia of the day-to-day.
Hope is as intangible as belief.
When we say nasty things about other people, we’re really criticizing something in them that we don’t like in ourselves.
Jack Bauer is fooling his audience, but he's not fooling me.
She’s aggressive and grabs my wiener, though, I may have to come up with another plan.
You can make yourself crazy, refiguring it all after the fact. You did what you thought was best at the time. You helped a friend. That’s what matters.
The complaint lies with me, not with you. I never could find a way to make you proud of me, and at some point, I think I stopped trying. When you were here, I blamed you for that. I think now, the failure is mine... It occurs to me that death is a funny thing - not funny in a laughter sort of way, but in a twisty sort of way. It's the people who are left behind who have to grapple with the regret. The one who is gone is just gone. Wherever you are... I hope you have regret about what happened yesterday.