I am against lying, but just because someone asks a question does not mean you have to answer it.
Never loan money to friends or family that you are not able to write off entirely.
There are some people who do not have a wild past because being wild would make them terribly self-conscious and uncomfortable.
You can't get a guarantee from everyone who appears in personal photographs that they will forever remain warm presences in one's life or sweet memories.
People who have undergone a loss get a fair amount of leeway on their behavior.
I know this is awkward, but when you laugh after almost everything you say, it ends up undermining you.
When my daughter left for college, I lost my in-house consultant to youth culture. There's just stuff I don't get. And there's something kind of pathetic about someone my age trying to pretend she gets it, so I don't try to pretend.
Once an affair is over, the cheaters need to agree not to see each other anymore in order to reestablish trust with their spouses.
Obama's major accomplishment is himself. This can be an effective argument to make to undecided voters and something Obama has to artfully address.
Interfering, judgmental, and disrespectful mothers-in-law are common complaints.
Sometimes people have a wild past because they have an essentially wild nature, and that's how they plan to go through life. Sometimes such people settle into happy monogamy, and can be content there because they never have to wonder, "What did I miss?"
I have people close to me who ask my advice just as I ask theirs.
I hate a messy kitchen and my more casual husband has come to recognize it's more pleasant for him to clean up after himself rather than deal with me hating a messy kitchen.
I think the definition of someone who's still a swinger is a person who remains signed up on swinger websites because they're "humorous." If you'd been married to an alcoholic and found yourself dating someone whose couch cushions were stuffed with empty bottles, you might conclude you're part of the problem and are attracted to men who are going to keep making you miserable in the same oh-so-familiar way. I think you should look to date someone for whom the idea of a swinger website makes him want to slather himself in sanitizing gel.
I understand polyamory is different from polygamy, and doesn't share the latter's rigid and noxious views that men run the show and are the only ones allowed multiple partners.
Sometimes people back themselves into corners where they think they have to make kind of an engraved-in-stone decision.
Setting up a college fund would be a great way to redirect the tangible evidence of Daddy's love.
When you expand the definition of marriage beyond one man and one woman, society can expect other consenting adults in other configurations to say that their choices deserve recognition.
I do feel haunted by some of the letters and the suffering people have endured. But I keep in mind that the people who write to me know that I am a journalist and an on-line advice columnist, not a social service professional.
As far as types preferring other types, people of the same type can understand each others' perspective very well, but also drive each other crazy because they see their flaws magnified.
When you're dealing with an in-law violation, I think the first line of defense is for the blood relation to have a serious talk.
I'm certainly not suggesting legalization of polyamory. But it's also unfairly judgmental of you to compare such relationships to the criminal acts of bestiality or child sexual abuse.
An alcoholic 47-year-old woman with teenagers who thinks a guy in his mid-20s is a good prospect as a partner definitely has some judgment and character flaws.
Love is not shown by giving your toddler a car. It's better demonstrated by clapping as she bangs on pots or singing to her while she plays with her cheap little bath toys in the tub.