Day by day you transfigure the "no" in me into "Yes". You ask me, not for a few scraps, but for the whole of my existence. You are the one who prays in me by day and night. My stammerings are prayer: simply calling you by your name, Jesus, fills our communion to the full.
Brother Roger -
So why have I wavered so long? You have been seeking me unwearyingly. Why did I hesitate once again, asking for time to deal with my own affairs? Once I had set my hand to the plough, why did I look back? Without realizing it, I was making myself unfit to follow you.
Brother Roger
“a room without boooks like a body without soul”
Brother Roger -
The more a believer wishes to live the absolute call of God, the more essential it is to do so in the heart of human distress.
Brother Roger -
You are the one who, every morning, slips on my finger the ring of the prodigal son, the ring of festival.
Brother Roger -
You kept on saying: Live the little bit of the gospel you have grasped. Proclaim my life. Light fire on the earth . . . You, follow me....
Brother Roger -
You are the one who loves me into endless life.
Brother Roger -
“I say to myself, go on seeking, be glad for being sensitive, be glad you're able to go beyond the resistance inside you. It is our resistance to what we experience that makes creativity possible. So don't get rid of resistance like that by going around it or trying to eliminate it. Our own limitations put up strong resistance, but it's because of that that we are creators”
Brother Roger
“Contemplation is nothing more than one’s whole person being seized by the reality of God’s love.”
Brother Roger -
Never a pause, O Christ, in your persistent questioning, "Who do you say that I am?"
Brother Roger -
Are we not called to communicate a mystery of hope to those around us by the lives we lead?
Brother Roger -
In a breath of silence in a whisper, God speaks to you humbly.
Brother Roger -
Until one day I understood: you were asking me to commit myself to the point of no return.
Brother Roger -
Yet, though I had never seen you, I loved you.
Brother Roger