Gerald Scarfe Quotes
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Alas, nothing reveals man the way war does. Nothing so accentuates in him the beauty and ugliness, the intelligence and foolishness, the brutishness and humanity, the courage and cowardice, the enigma.
We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.
I do know that you have to choose between the logic of reconciliation and the logic of justice. Pure justice leads to new civil war. I prefer the negotiable revolution.
What strategic benefit would accrue from having Montenegro as an ally that would justify the risk of our having to go to war should some neighbor breach Montenegro's borders?
The true object of war fought for God should always be peace.
Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion,and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure.
I've gone to war zones before and never got shot.
By legitimizing Iran's nuclear program, removing the pressure of economic sanctions, and allowing it to obtain conventional weapons and ballistic missiles, this agreement makes the prospect for war more likely, not less.
I beg Osama to stop warring. He is a Muslim, and Islam means peace. Nobody wins in a war... I wish I were tapped in the problem about Iraq. I knew Saddam enough that I could have talked him into surrendering. But it's too late.
My dear Excellency! I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.
I couldn't be happier that President Bush has stood up for having served in the National Guard, because I can finally put an end to all those who questioned my motives for enlisting in the Army Reserve at the height of the Vietnam War.
The government's War on Poverty has transformed poverty from a short-term misfortune into a career choice.
One of the most important things the United States did in the aftermath of World War II was to help returning veterans with housing. In 1945, in my home state of Oregon, we established the Veterans Home Loan Program, which for over 60 years has provided more than 300,000 loans. This has changed the lives of Oregon veterans and revitalized communities.
Peace has been as bad as war. Peace has killed as many people as war. Peace is as bad. Peace is as bad...
War will exist as long as there's a food chain.
Everybody's at war with different things… I'm at war with my own heart sometimes.
I’m just as human as you. But it’s no use asking me for a final statement. As I say, I deal in tactics. Also statistics: for every year of peace there have been four hundred years of war.
I saw clearly that war was upon us when I learned that my young men had been secretly buying ammunition.
World War II is the greatest drama in human history, the biggest war ever and a true battle of good and evil. I imagine writers will continue to get stories from it, and readers will continue to love them, for many more years.
I had hoped to go to law school, but the war started, and because of the strong feeling that I did not want to kill anybody, I joined the Merchant Marine when I graduated from Berkeley.
Why hasn't the administration made more of the U.N. Inspector's report that says Saddam Hussein was dismantling his missile and W.M.D. sites before and during the war? — June 15, 2004
If you want to be a Champion, you've got to feel like one, you've got to act like one, you've got to look like one.
Thus the whole country was broken into many shreds and patches of sovereignty.
How do I feel about war? Well anybody I guess, I hope, I don't like it.