Ted Rall Quotes
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Well, for us, it's always better not to have too many expectations and to just go with the flow because then it's always a big plus no matter what happens.
Buildings are always better than drawings and models.
The role of designers and product makers is to really become much better editors. What kind of functionality is actually needed - and truly delightful - to consumers? Remove all the extraneous stuff.
I think the show does better with newsmakers and politicians than it does with actors.
Write how you want, the critic shall show the world you could have written better.
I think the National League has better biorhythms in July.
The economy in Ireland has been rampaging ahead for the last 15 years. Barring an international, political or natural catastrophe, things can only get better for the Irish.
Better to be disliked than pitied.
With 'Girls'... I feel like there's an impulse to try to make it look better or neater or more perfect, and when I watch theater, television, movies, it's always the imperfection I'm always more attracted to.
I do hold very strongly that tea is better in England. There's something in the milk. They must have special cows.
What's better, a poetic intuition or an intellectual work? I think they complement each other.
The great apologist has to have lived large and wild. If he's going to kiss the world's boo-boos and make up, he'd better plant some bruises first. A master apologizer has to be a Lord Byron, a Rick in Casablanca, a Lee Atwater, anyway.
Hiking is something that I really, really like to do. It's distracting, you're in nature, and you get a nice workout that way. I would tell everyone to hike as much as they can - you just feel so much better when you get outdoors. I'm also into yoga.
As far as actors go, you're not going to find many ballplayers better than me.
Levi's can produce many more Western jeans than we can and make them at a better price.
In certain ways, we, many of us, stopped paying attention to the world. I have to think we would have moved on the whole climate issue in a different way if we'd been paying better attention.
When you have a passion for something then you tend not only to be better at it, but you work harder at it too.
The less I talk about being black, the better.
I love entertaining people, and I want to pursue it.
It was just me, naked as underneath my clothes right now, as all of you are.
He is in a gunfight right now. I'm gonna have to take a message.
And he that strives to touch the stars, Oft stumbles at a straw.
I'm a better polemicist in prose.