Phil Collins Quotes
And I would like to marry and have more children. I would like to try and do it right.
Phil Collins
Quotes to Explore
There is nothing so difficult to marry as a large nose.
Oscar Wilde
My mother hoped I would meet a nice doctor or barrister or accountant who would marry me and take me to live in what is now called Fashionable Dublin Four. But she felt that this was a vain hope. I was a bit loud to make a nice professional wife, and anyway, I was too keen on spending my holidays in far flung places to meet any of these people.
Maeve Binchy
There are two things for a marriage to be good. One is to work hard on it. The other one is to marry above you. And I succeeded at both of those.
Ben Affleck
For an artist to marry his model is as fatal as for a gourmet to marry his cook: the one gets no sittings, and the other gets no dinners.
Oscar Wilde
You have no idea of the people I didn't marry.
Artie Shaw
If an enthusiastic, ardent, and ambitious man marry a wife on whose name there is a stain, which, though it originate in no fault of hers, may be visited by cold and sordid people upon her, and upon his children also: and, in exact proportion to his success in the world, be cast in his teeth, and made the subject of sneers against him: he may, no matter how generous and good his nature, one day repent of the connection he formed in early life; and she may have the pain and torture of knowing that he does so.
Charles Dickens
All young women begin by believing they can change and reform the men they marry. They can't.
George Bernard Shaw
A man has no business to marry a woman who can't make him miserable. It means she can't make him happy.
George Bernard Shaw
Say you’ll marry me when I come back or, before God, I won’t go. I’ll stay around here and play a guitar under your window every night and sing at the top of my voice and compromise you, so you’ll have to marry me to save your reputation.
Margaret Mitchell
That girls should not marry for money we are all agreed. A lady who can sell herself for a title or an estate, for an income or aset of family diamonds, treats herself as a farmer treats his sheep and oxen--makes hardly more of herself, of her own inner self, in which are comprised a mind and soul, than the poor wretch of her own sex who earns her bread in the lowest state of degradation.
Anthony Trollope
Let others wage war. You, lucky Austria, shall marry.
Scott Westerfeld
If you come back; I'll marry you. If you break your promise, you'll break my heart.
Nicholas Sparks