Jim Morrison Quotes
Quotes to Explore
When it comes right down to it, whatever business you're in, you're in the people business. After all, people prefer to do business with people and companies they find likeable.
The very phrase 'Make America great again' implies some kind of reset to a time long since passed. A mission to restore America to a previous default setting where American economic superiority was without peer, factories and manufacturing plants were humming, and jobs were plentiful for anyone who wanted one.
Singles, whatever. But selling a million albums feels like an impossible thing to do.
When I was in fourth grade, a novelist came to talk to my English class. She told us that being an author meant sitting at the kitchen table in pajamas, drinking tea with the dogs at your feet.
As a race, the Negroes are not lazy.
There are so many avenues to explore and stories to tell. It's just about finding new ways of telling them.
First and foremost, you've got to make yourself happy. Essentially being who you are is the most important thing. When you're after truth, happiness always comes.
A musician is a professional, whether he or she is successful or not. The profession itself must be regarded as a stable job.
I have an outdoor kitchen at home in Georgia, and I try to never eat inside.
I believe that this idea of story or myth or this thing that Joseph Campbell writes about is sort of an inter-connective spiritual force - like The Force in 'Star Wars' - where it doesn't matter where you were raised, or what your background is, there are certain elements of story that totally appeal to you.
We book our exports forward for more than a year, and so we have a fixed rate. We do not get the spot rate that we see in the market every day.
The white man's victory soon became complete by fraud, violence, intimidation and murder.
Today mythical thinking has fallen into disrepute; we often dismiss it as irrational and self-indulgent. But the imagination is also the faculty that has enabled scientists to bring new knowledge to light and to invent technology that has made us immeasurably more effective.
Out of fifty mathematical papers presented in brief at such a meeting, it is a rare mathematician indeed who really understands what more than half a dozen are about.
I know my brother. Michael, he's not that kind of person. He doesn't do that. That's all a lie on him.
Sustainable South Bronx advocates for environmental justice through sustainable environmental and economic development projects.
The reason I can achieve so many different feelings is because the people I listen to have always been so diverse.
We don't walk. We overeat because we've made it easy to overeat. We have fast-food joints on every corner. By the way, the 'we' is all of us. It's not the government. It's all of us doing this together.
When you choose the paradigm of service, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift.
They say time will make all this go away. But it's time that has taken my tomorrows and turned them into yesterdays.
We don't want to box ourselves within any type of genre, you know? Whatever feels good, if it moves us and we like it, we get on it and make it our own. That's what we do.
People think money is life and your life is over if you lose it.
It's a chain of accidents. When you step into Hollywood, you wind yourself into thousands of chains of accidents. If all of the thousands happen to come out exactly right-and the chance of that figures out to be one in eight million-then you'll be a star.
Nobody would stay interested in me if I was normal...