It is disgusting that 'Life & Style' and 'InTouch' magazines continue to print these false stories about my life: the status of my marriage, false reports about a miscarriage, the horrible lie that my dad is not my biological father, jealousy over my sisters' lives, etc.
It wasn't until I began to work out in earnest that I became aware of what I was eating. When I became more mindful about exercise, I became more mindful about eating.
I absolutely adore baking with my nieces and nephews. It's super fun, and I love baking by myself, so what I like to do is have a cabinet for my baking essentials.
I'm not a big 'cry on a shoulder' person. I'm very introverted when it comes to my own stuff.
All the makeup in the world won't make a difference without great skincare.
We all have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than nothing at all. Start small so you don't get discouraged and give up. Remember it is all about consistency.
If I want to wear a long flowing dress, someone will say I'm pregnant.
It's crazy how many nude lip crayons I own - I probably need to get rid of some.
When you're at a lunch, enjoy being - I'm always on my phone when I'm at lunch or with things here or there. I've learned to put the phone down and be present.
When in doubt, I always, always buy clear vases. You really can't go wrong with minimalist clear vases, especially when you're sending someone flowers. The flowers are the star of the show and need to shine!
I have candles, pictures and flowers on my nightstand... and of course a lamp!
All the circuit training, it's cardio circuit training, so everything you're doing, you're still running up your heart rate. You're burning, I think, triple the amount of calories than if you were just weight lifting.
I'm strong and fearless and not afraid to take risks in business.
I just don't believe the hype. I just don't take myself too seriously. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
When you're in a conversation, genuinely be in it. Stare people in their eyes. Know what you're talking about. Enjoy that moment.
I love all of my shoes! It is a must to have them color coordinated, and to be able to see each and every one of them. I know exactly where each one lives and I can tell if one has even been moved!
I've made major cutbacks. I used to love soda. So I've cut out soda completely, and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change.
It's hysterical how kids have their own personalities, even at like 3 or 4. And, it's funny what they tend to like.
I'm not really an actress.
I am an organization freak!
I don't care if you marry someone who works at the grocery store or someone who is a director of a company; everyone should have their own identity.
Leopard print has been my thing forever! When I was a teenager my entire room was done in leopard print - it's timeless, chic, and always in style. When in doubt... leopard!
With my divorce, and even during the end of my marriage before it even got publicly bad, how I decided to cope with things was to go on the treadmill for an hour.
I have moments of weakness, but mostly I brush the criticism off... Who cares if I'm not a size zero? I don't want to be. I love my body; I'm healthy, I work out.