Implicit in the Hollywood formula of mom-by-option and dad-by-default is mom never at fault...to a fault.
Warren Farrell -
Creating fatherhood means creating a major psychological shift. Both sexes find it's difficult to fully share the psychological responsibility for the other sex's traditional role - especially when the other sex is around. – page 90.
Warren Farrell
Humans tend to start the process of change by acknowledging themselves-thus blacks asserted black pride and black is beautiful; women declared I am woman, I am strong ; men are saying I am man, I am okay. After a quarter of a century of male bashing, that’s not a bad start.
Warren Farrell -
The motto of feminists: 'There is never an excuse for hitting a woman.' Shouldn’t it be, 'There is never an excuse for hitting.'?
Warren Farrell -
In 1969, nationwide, female professors who had never been married and never published earned 145% of their counterpart male colleagues.
Warren Farrell -
When divorces meant marriage no longer provided security for a lifetime, women adjusted by focusing on careers as empowerment. But when the sacrifice of a career met the sacrifices in a career, the fantasy of a career became the reality of trade-offs. Women developed career ambivalence.
Warren Farrell -
In order to connect and nurture, it is not just helpful to be in touch with feelings, it is necessary. So men’s first job – their next evolutionary strategy – involves being in touch with their feelings.
Warren Farrell -
If a man ignoring a woman’s verbal 'no' is committing date rape, then a woman who says 'no' with her verbal language but 'yes' with her body language is committing date fraud. And a woman who continues to be sexual even after she says 'no' is committing date lying.
Warren Farrell
Most women’s ideal is to not be sexual until nine conditions are met: physical attraction; respect; emotional compatibility; intelligence; singleness; success (or potential ); being asked out; being paid for; and the man risking rejection by initiating the first kiss…. Men want sex as long as only one condition is met-physical attraction.
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If we have integrity about our desire to support men to express feelings, every institution and attitude between the sexes will require questioning and adjusting.
Warren Farrell -
Unemployment to a man is the psychological equivalent of rape to a woman.
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The men who are successful have become the most dependent on success to attract love. When this man loses his success, he often fears he will lose love.
Warren Farrell -
When we commit violence against an infant girl, we call it child abuse; when we commit violence against an infant boy, we call it circumcision.
Warren Farrell -
When a dad admits he is wrong or asks for help, he allows the child to see him- or herself as adequate even when she or he is also wrong. It encourages children to make suggestions and, therefore, to discover their creativity because they have a chance of making a contribution. – page 120.
Warren Farrell
Irony: While we increasingly hold people more responsible if they drink and drive, we hold women less responsible if they drink and have sex.
Warren Farrell -
If power means having control over one's own life, then perhaps there is no better ranking of the impact of sex roles and racism on power over our own lives than life expectancy.
Warren Farrell -
Empathy for women is an attribute of masculinity. When men play the protector role they are trying to save a woman from grief or pain. If they had no glimpse of her grief or pain, they wouldn’t know when to protect.
Warren Farrell -
No force is more powerful - or more multiple - than the family.
Warren Farrell -
In brief, part of the need for funding comes from the need to create balance to a third of a century of funding an 'attitude' toward men. And part comes from the need to study how both sexes can make a transition from those rigid roles to more flexible roads with a clear enough road map to not go over too many cliffs along the way...
Warren Farrell -
The sexist perception that violence by anyone against only women is anti-woman while violence by a woman against only men is just generic violence creates a political demand for laws that are even more protective of women.
Warren Farrell