If you are considering earning your living from your Element, it's important to bear in mind that you not only have to love what you do; you should also enjoy the culture and the tribes that go with it.
Ken Robinson -
If you're fifty, exercise your mind and body regularly, eat well, and have a general zest for life, you're likely younger - in very real, physical terms - than your neighbor who is forty-four, works in a dead-end job, eats chicken wings twice a day, considers thinking too strenuous, and looks at lifting a beer glass as a reasonable daily workout.
Ken Robinson
Governments decide they know best and they're going to tell you what to do. The trouble is that education doesn't go on in the committee rooms of our legislative buildings. It happens in classrooms and schools, and the people who do it are the teachers and the students. And if you remove their discretion, it stops working.
Ken Robinson -
The arts especially address the idea of aesthetic experience. An aesthetic experience is one in which your senses are operating at their peak; when you’re present in the current moment; when you’re resonating with the excitement of this thing that you’re experiencing; when you are fully alive.
Ken Robinson -
We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it's impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.
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It’s education that’s meant to take us into this future that we can’t grasp.
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Change what you are doing; change your world. And if enough people do that, we can change the world.
Ken Robinson -
Creativity is as important as literacy and numeracy, and I actually think people understand that creativity is important - they just don't understand what it is.
Ken Robinson
We get educated out of creativity.
Ken Robinson -
Research indicates that, as long as we keep using our brains in an active way, we continue to build neural pathways as we get older. This gives us not only the ongoing potential for creative thought, but also an additional incentive for continuing to stretch ourselves.
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If a man speaks his mind in a forest, and no woman hears him, is he still wrong?
Ken Robinson -
Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value - more often than not, comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.
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Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth.
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It is often said that education and training are the keys to the future. They are, but a key can be turned in two directions. Turn it one way and you lock resources away, even from those they belong to. Turn it the other way and you release resources and give people back to themselves. To realize our true creative potential-in our organizations, in our schools and in our communities-we need to think differently about ourselves and to act differently towards each other. We must learn to be creative.
Ken Robinson
Everyday, everywhere our children spread their dreams beneath our feet and we should tread softly.
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Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.
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Very often, organizations are inflexible because there is too little communication between functions; they are too segregated.
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Typically [professors] live in their heads. … They look upon their body as a form of transport for their heads. It’s a way of getting their head to meetings.
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Creativity is the greatest gift of human intelligence.
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Creativity involves putting your imagination to work. In a sense, creativity is applied imagination.
Ken Robinson
You can think of creativity as applied imagination.
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You don’t think of Shakespeare being a child, do you? Shakespeare being seven? He was seven at some point. He was in somebody’s English class, wasn’t he? How annoying would that be?
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We are all born with extraordinary powers of imagination, intelligence, feeling, intuition, spirituality, and of physical and sensory awareness. For the most part, we use only a fraction of these powers, and some not at all.
Ken Robinson -
There isn’t an education system on the planet that teaches dance everyday to children the way we teach them mathematics. Why?
Ken Robinson