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We're musicians. We make music for a living. It's that simple. Nothing else matters.
Practice. I used to sit on the edge of my bed with a six-pack of Schlitz Malt talls. My brother would go out at 7pm to party and get laid, and when he'd come back at 3am, I would still be sitting in the same place, playing guitar. I did that for years - I still do that.
I'm not a drunk anymore, but since they cut out my tongue, I sound drunk.
I've had a hip replacement, I've beaten cancer, I had my hand operation, and I stopped drinking. Something inside of me just went, 'I'm done.'
There are only so many letters in the alphabet. When I talk to young musicians or authors and they ask for advice, I say, You gotta learn all the letters of your own personal alphabet. With music, you need to know all the different kinds of music and everything in and around your given instrument.
Nobody's going to get a hot dog at my concert!
Music journalists love Elvis Costello and hate me because they look like Elvis Costello...
I just consider myself slightly left-of-center. I'm not your average bear. I - what's the word? I'm not - normal.
The piano is a universal instrument. If you start there, learn your theory and how to read, you can go on to any other instrument.
The travels before and after the tour are what add up to what you're doing. You are really called into service - and it's the service industry man, it's blue collar man, I'm sweating by the second song. It's construction work from that second song on.
Give me a glazed doughnut, and a bottle of anything... to go!
Radio as we know it is pretty much changing completely.
Van Halen can keep providing the rain and I'll keep providing the parade.
Music kept me off the streets and out of trouble and gave me something that was mine that no one could take away from me.
When Van Halen started out, there was no path to fame. We just played what we liked. Even today it always comes down to the simplicity of rock and roll.
When I die, sprinkle my ashes over the 80's.
Critics like Elvis Costello because critics are like Elvis Costello.
Sometimes you're afraid to fall in love with a chick, but she sucks you in anyway.
Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.
We've all got out self-destructive bad habits, the trick is to find four or five you personally like the best and just do those all the time.
You stick your head above the crowd and attract attention and sometimes somebody will throw a rock at you. That's the territory. You buy the land, you get the Indians.
Audience participation should extend from on-stage to backstage to under the stage...
Some people think a song without words isn't a real song. Tell that to Beethoven and he'll kick your ass!
My son, Wolfgang, plays drums, guitars and bass.