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We're pretty much taking all the songs that have worked the best in the past and we're using those and all of the new songs. In the short time that we've got to play them, we're trying to use what ones work the best.
We wanted to rehash the feeling of playing when nobody ever knew us, but it's impossible to do.
The fans that come and see us are of every age and every colour and are so diverse, but the one thing they share is that they are all really excited about our music.
The other day my daughter said, ‘Daddy, guess who my favorite Stroke is?’ And I thought she was going to say me because, oh man, she loves me so much, and she said: ‘Julian! Because he’s the singer.
I abhor television. Notice how i said ‘television’ and not ‘TV’ because TV is a nickname and nicknames are for friends and television is no friend of mine.
Sometimes I feel like when you're in the dressing room, and you're on stage in 10 minutes, you feel like your stomach is going to explode.
I'm a really firm believer that anyone can get pretty good at anything if you just do it all the time and you just keep working at it.
Music is one of those art forms that you can get pretty immediate feedback by just doing it and getting better at it.
I love working on new stuff. I love the feeling of a new idea and watching it evolve. That's one of my favorite parts of making music.
I think when you're in the early stages of writing a song, it's important to shut off the part of your brain that tries to edit or criticize. That function comes in handy later, but if you let it in too early, you can trip yourself up.
I've discovered this trend in popular criticism that because our first record was such a -- critical darling ... that now people are hesitant to give us too many accolades. We didn't know exactly how we needed to change. But we knew from the experience from 'Room on Fire' where people, where critics mainly, were saying that it was sonically too similar to the first record, we needed to step up.
It's a learning process, like growing up. The third album is only the next step - who knows what will come next.
We were talking about how we wished we had enjoyed the time, like when we were touring in that little van. We wished we had really taken the time to look around and be happy about where we were. I enjoyed it, but it was always hand in hand with fear and this drive to get to the next levels. I was never looking around so much.
Having this kind of spectrum of sound now, I listen to 'Is This It' and I see us as youngsters and I almost want to have a conversation with the 18-year-old me.
(Even) if this record bombs, it's just another obstacle we have to get over.
We didn't have any goal set, but we knew we had to work with someone who had a complete, almost encyclopedic knowledge of music. We wanted to make an album that sounded completely different but still had the heart and soul of the band. It's still The Strokes, but it's a very different form of The Strokes.