Bumps Quotes
Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.
With marriage, you've just got to stick it out. You can't jump off the boat at the first bump in the waves.
There have been bumps, but everything has happened for a reason - maybe apart from the loss of some loved ones - and we have always tried to find a positive from it.
It's just a nightmare. And speed bumps, they did install them and everything and they don't work.
If possible, try to find a way to come downstairs that doesn't involve going bump, bump, bump, on the back of your head.
In general, lives seem to veer abruptly from one thing to another, to jostle and bump, to squirm. A person heads in one direction, turns sharply in mid-course, stalls, drifts, starts up again. Nothing is ever known, and inevitably we come to a place quite different from the one we set out for.
Lissa lowered her voice and added, "I might not even go to school anyway. I might defer and join the Peace Corps and go to Africa and shave my head and dig latrines." "Shave your head?" I said, because, really, this was the most ludicrous part of the whole thing. "You? Do you have any idea how ugly most people's bare heads are? They've got all kinds of bumps, Lissa. And you won't know until it's too late and you're flat-out bald.
If we leave the European Union, yes there will be bumps in the road, inevitably, but we will be in a better position to deal with them.
One of the reasons why people come to America is that there are fewer speed bumps to the top of the ladder in comparison with other countries.
It’s for you to decide whether change is right for you right now. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But either way keep the growth mindset in your thoughts then when you bump up against obstacles you can turn to it, it will always be there for you showing you a path into the future.
There's absolutely no excuse for throwing a piece of equipment on an umpire or any player. You can argue your point and at times may accidentally bump an umpire, but to consciously throw a piece of equipment at someone is unforgivable.
Hopefully, there isn't any adjustment at all in terms of what I am doing and what I'm preparing. Obviously, there's going to be goose bumps. There's gonna be an adrenaline rush. I want that excitement. I want that anxiety. Because that lets you know that you're passionate about what you do and that this is important. I'd much rather be in that environment than not.
He was staring into my eyes, and I felt that shivery thing that happens when you look in someone’s eyes and you get goose bumps because you’re gaining access.
I love life, and I have a lot of gratitude. There have been a lot of bumps in the road, but my sense of humor gets me through a lot.