Dishonesty Quotes
The price of dishonesty is self-destruction.
Rita Mae Brown
It's been my observation, after years in the [insurance] business, that a certain percent of the population simply can't resist the urge to cheat.
Sue Grafton
I detest politics, to be honest with you. It's a cesspool. And I don't think I would fare well in that cesspool because I don't believe in political correctness and I certainly don't believe in dishonesty.
Benjamin Carson
The big cop-out would be to accept popularity rather than opting to try to create potent work. It's so easy to do the popular thing, the expected thing, and that's where you start to cheat yourself - and your fans, in the end - because there's an inherent dishonesty in pandering and dishing up what everyone's expecting.
David Howell Evans
I would, my lord, that all men knew my conversation and living in all points, for I am so sure of myself this hour, that there is none able to prove any dishonesty in me. If you know any who can do it, I pray you bring them forth
Anne Askew
they who are not fastidious as to the means, seldom fail of securing the result they aim at.
Sara Willis
I think about some of the novels I love - The Stranger, Disgrace, Quicksand and Passing, Giovanni's Room, The Talented Mr. Ripley. I think I'm more intrigued by characters who don't do the right thing and where we are allowed to identify with their shame/dishonesty/envy... whatever.
Danzy Senna
Lack of clarity is always a sign of dishonesty.
Celia Green
Dishonesty makes me feel vulnerable.
Melissa Rauch
In their condescending assumption that belief in God could only be the product of wishful thinking, stupidity, ignorance, or intellectual dishonesty; in their corresponding refusal seriously to consider the possibility that that belief might be true and the arguments for it sound; and in their glib supposition that the only rational considerations relevant to the question are “scientific” ones, rather than philosophical; in all of these attitudes, Flew’s critics manifest the quintessential mindset of modern secularism. And insofar as its self-satisfied a priori dismissal of outsiders as benighted, and of defectors as wicked or mad, insulates it from ever having to deal with serious criticism, it is a mindset that echoes the closed-minded prejudice and irrationality it typically attributes to religious believers themselves.
Edward Feser
The media needs to do some soul searching on itself and ask why they continue to spread provably false stories, and stop projecting their own dishonesty onto others.
Mike Cernovich
The great twin political problems of the age are the brutality of the right, and the dishonesty of the left.
Geoffrey Wheatcroft