Facility Quotes
This is just a preliminary study of this facility.
We are five years into a master site and facility plan for our Springfield campus.
I started in a research lab for TV cameras, then I worked at a tape duplication facility. That was the first introduction for me to recorded music and hi-fi.
We will be pretty busy here for a while building a new facility and just learning about the community and the Toyota and Mazda lines.
...the facility at Guantanamo Bay is necessary to national security.
This deal means that we get in the city of Pittsburgh a brand new arena, a $280 million facility that does not cost the taxpayer a single cent. This is the only plan that presents a tax-free, brand new structure for the city of Pittsburgh.
They have a great facility there, well prepared, and we'll keep dividing between Phoenix and Tucson as they come in.
Although a man may lose a sense of his own importance when he is a mere unit among a busy throng, all utterly regardless of him, it by no means follows that he can dispossess himself, with equal facility, of a very strong sense of the importance and magnitude of his cares.
A patient must have a terminal diagnosis to be admitted to such a facility.
This is the contradictory desire in our utopia. We want to live in a small community with which we can identify and yet we want all the facilities of the city of millions of people. We want to have very intense urban experiences and yet we want the open space right next to us.
Everything in Athens is probably a good example. Any time when there really isn't a need for these facilities in these cities, but they get built anyway for the games, everybody has kind of wishful thinking about what the afterlife of these spaces is going to be. If there is not demand for it before the Olympics, there's probably not going to be demand for it afterwards.
Los Angeles is an industry town, and it has great facilities and personnel. The disadvantage is that everyone there seems to talk about the same subject matter.
When I realised I had a facility for humour, I latched on to it, and it gave me confidence and I built my personality around it. So I subconsciously made myself become the funny one so that would be my label rather than the ginger one or the red-faced one.
It cannot be too often repeated that it is not helps, but obstacles, not facilities, but difficulties that make men.
I've always had facility with the German accent.
When I came here, Texas had the greatest facility in the world at the time. What also attracted me to UT was the fact that I wouldn't lose as many good swimmers to the academically prestigious schools, because swimmers could also get a great education here.
I can write orchestrations, but I can't sight-read music and play at the same time. I don't have enough facility.
Light-field photography is a transformational technology that needs a transformational product to introduce it. For the first time, we have a light-field camera that's going to be for everyone - not something in a huge room in a research facility.
My goal is to make fine art, and fine art comes from the soul. If you have virtuosity and facility, you can take and create something of significance.
Miles of roads are also being enhanced to support the operations of the new space launch facility.