Names Quotes
If I were to name my favorite pastime, I'd have to say talking about myself. I love it and I think most other people do too. We need, people like us, more listeners and less talkers.
Hedy Lamarr
It was this desire for a feeling of importance that led an uneducated, poverty-stricken grocery clerk to study some law books he found in the bottom of a barrel of household plunder that he had bought for fifty cents. You have probably heard of this grocery clerk. His name was Lincoln.
Dale Carnegie
My point is that we much decolonize our minds and re-name and re-define ourselves . . . In all respects, culturally, politically, socially, we must re-define ourselves and our lives, in our own terms.
Max Roach
People like to examine the things that frighten them, to look at them and give them names, so saints look for god, and scientists look for evidence. They're both just trying to take away from the mystery, to take away from the fear.
Dakota Fanning
You think you know me just because you know my name, think you've seen me 'cause you've seen every line on my face.
Jon Bon Jovi
And if you a G you a G-G-G. My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki.
Nicki Minaj
I'm a priest, not a priestess. Priestess implies mumbo jumbo and all sorts of pagan goings-on. Those who oppose us would love to call us priestesses. They can call us all the names in the world -- it's better than being invisible.
Carter Heyward
One of the poets, whose name I cannot recall, has a passage, which I am unable at the moment to remember, in one of his works, which for the time being has slipped my mind, which hits off admirably this age-old situation.
P. G. Wodehouse
I get so annoyed by famous people who have not actually written the books they slap their names on.
Anderson Cooper
I said a lot of things in the heat of the moment that I shouldn't have said. Called him names I shouldn't have called him. I apologise for that. I'm sorry. It was all meant to promote the fight.
Muhammad Ali
I remember your name perfectly, but I just can't think of your face.
William Archibald Spooner
The one thing I will never do is buy a shirt because of its name, especially when it's $600 for that shirt. To me, that's ridiculous. It's just a shirt; it's not worth the money.
Benjamin Hammond "Ben" Haggerty
The head of a ship however has not always an immediate relation to her name, at least in the British navy.
William Falconer
Frailty, thy name is woman!
William Shakespeare
Pleasures are manifestations of God's name.
Israel ben Eliezer
The neighbourhood is a place of...intrigue and emotional espionage, where when two people stop to talk on the street their tongues are like the two halves of a scissor coming together, cutting reputations and good names to shreds.
Nadeem Aslam
It was not that ladies were inferior to men; it was that they were different. Their mission was to inspire others to achievement rather than to achieve themselves. Indirectly, by means of tact and a spotless name, a lady could accomplish much. But if she rushed into the fray herself she would be first censured, then despised, and finally ignored.
E. M. Forster
Turkeys know their names, come when you call, and are totally affectionate. They're better than teenagers.
Elayne Boosler
My father names me Autolycus, who being, as I am, littered under Mercury, was likewise a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles.
William Shakespeare
All history is an attempt to find pattern and meaning in a section of human experience, and every historian worthy of the name raises questions about man's ultimate destiny and the meaning of all history to which, as history, he can provide no answers. The answers belong to the realm of theology.
G. B. Caird
I can not give you the reference of Ram Chandar or Krishna, because they were not historical figures. I can not help it but to present to you the names of (Hazrat) Abu Bakar (RA) and (Hazrat) Umar Farooq (RA). They were leaders of a vast Empire, yet they lived a life of austerity.
Mahatma Gandhi
We are born seekers, calling strange names into the darkness from our earliest days because we know we are not meant to be alone, and because we know that we await someone whom we cannot always see.
Barbara Brown Taylor